The evolutionary DIKW pyramid.

The evolutionary DIKW pyramid.

Caution! Long article ahead, you can choose to read only the message in italics (situation), bold (truth) and underlines (Learning).

I hold some special kind of respect for cartoonists, animators and talent within progressively creative fields of arts. This is because of a realisation that is definitively easier for them to understand – progress progresses too fast! If you are patient enough to notice the evolution of arts through history, you can see they are the best at both predicting the future and changing the perspective for what the future holds within the minds of inventors, discoverers and entrepreneurs. For us, as the potential creators of the semi-defined future and the vision that keeps evolving with help from our artistic time travellers – we are bounded. These boundaries are both time and wisdom. The boundary of time is something that always seems closer than the moment before and what shall happen beyond is something we cannot know. Wisdom being the apex within the DIKW pyramid is what people today understand as the limits of specific and universal intelligence.

If time is an eternal constraint, the obvious question for you to ask yourself would be - what is the best you can do with the time available? Then comes associated weights like your passion, your consciousness and your build. Every moment you procrastinate, you lose time but gain nothing. What will you do about it? Be an artist and imagine time travel or choose to become a creator within this reality. However, for some of the most relevant creations of the future, we also have to wait for technological or material bottlenecks to be removed by none other than time. Time is an irony best left untouched. So, the simplified and sane answer to the eternal constraint is easy – You should NOT PROCRASTINATE. Whatever you plan to do should be done within the time available for the task. What you will do if you do not waste time is depending on your interest, maturity and capabilities.

DIKW pyramid corresponds to the varying level of inputs achieved while performing a selection of the tasks in the time you have saved through the conscious choice of not wasting it. This very DIKW shall help you transcend through the four basic problems – Solve NOTHING by using DATA, Solve WHAT by using Information, Solve HOW by using Knowledge, Solve WHY by using Wisdom. Data - Information - Knowledge - Wisdom Pyramid is a 20th-century model that I believe remains to this day the most significant return on investment of time. In the next few paragraphs, I shall try to explain how I invest time within these DIKW bubbles.

The beautiful thing about knowing nothing is you are perfectly unbiased. Yes, you do not yet have anything to offer, but you are also unbiased. Data is and should be fundamentally sought through this very same principle. In my final year at college, while working on different research tasks related to the service sector industry, I often wondered why so much focus was put upon the sampling of responses. After publishing five research works, formulating more than twenty surveys and assisting in guidance to thirty young researchers - I had practically felt the impact of random and natural bias. In every attempt to collect data from any phenomenon thereafter, I try to ignite curiosity before any kind of explanation. This has helped me and will let you take findings within the real world that interest you. You will learn that Knowing - NOTHING while making an observation is not to be ashamed of but a circumstance to cherish. Meditation will help in igniting this curiosity.

After you make an observation, there comes an additional auxiliary limitation of time. This is also in the form of the maximum number of focused tasks you as a single entity can do at a single point in time. Unlike the multiple core processors within modern computers, you are biologically limited. Just try to complete any two tasks at one work session while witnessing contrasting extremes of increasing frequency in these alterations. One of the senses is bound to function at some instants while the other will function in the missing observations through the first sense. You may also lose time in switching these tasks for taking observations. You may not feel this but it works just in this manner. Tasks are however planned for much longer lengths of time – mostly in hours or days. The Know What section needs detailed vetting and open discussion with any person you trust. This person can even be yourself, you will only require to keep this a two-way communication and use tactics like negation in the process. How I try to master this skill is through engaging with my friends in creating random funny scenarios that sometimes turn out to be funny. The credit to this process at my end goes to my classmate in engineering years – Kushagra Arya. It started as a fun activity until I realised what it helps me at – natural vetting. My words of advice in Knowing - WHAT is that since Knowing - WHAT depends upon the data you have observed and then how you process it, choosing the tactics for vetting actionable tasks varies according to different scenarios. You do not need to use what I use to generally vet my actionable tasks.

Knowing - HOW is where one can witness the maximum difference in demographic inequality. My unbiased observation about people who master Knowing - HOW is surprisingly disturbing – in most of the scenarios they lack Knowing – WHAT and therefore restrict their outputs to something far less valuable than what they are capable of achieving. People who do not Know - HOW are relatively better at Knowing - WHAT or Knowing - WHY. Also, response-based knowledge is generally more fruitful than an exploration of random skill sets. This response is based upon the interest, maturity and capabilities of you and your environment. These observations do have exceptions. Continuous learning is the key to Knowing - HOW. This continuous learning is a set of practices that you need to develop and comprises of asking for assistance and guidance, observing experienced and similar people around you, exploration of new and alternative methods to do tasks, revision and improvisation. In a corporate environment where you are a part of the machinery, Knowing - HOW is definitely going to let you get tasks done or win accolades, but also show side effects of narrowing vision and reduced connect to the trends floating within reality. However, the importance of Knowing - HOW, should not and will never be questioned. It helps you succeed in the path you have chosen. I would recommend that since Knowing - HOW is the section requiring maximum assistance and mentor-ship, people pursuing mastery in this continue their search of knowledge sources and more importantly practice what they have learnt in practical applications. My experience in my first year of college – where I tried to bring a change in the environment of continuous learning for my batch-mates, resulted in a sour-sweet flop. I was trying to understand and promote Bio-mimicry – The Science of Nature Inspired Design and Engineering, within my batch and I had to temporarily lose many of my friends just because of not Knowing - HOW. I had raised more than 60 volunteers and many more supporters for the cause but then chose to introspect. On a relieving note, most of my friends and closest partners from the Bio-Art Foundation do have the Know - HOW to solve many critical problems within Science and Technology, and they are closer to me and the problems of the world than ever before.

Wisdom – the apex of the pyramid is as difficult to attain as to climb the toughest peaks. When you have wisdom, there are certain aspects of divine that surfaces from you. You become recognisable. Wisdom is Knowing - WHY, and people with wisdom have power to collaborate with people with the Know - WHAT and Know - HOW to bring positive change within the society. I consider myself lucky and blessed but am far from eternal wisdom. As I am on this path, my pieces of advice for you will be simple. Respect every entity and understand the debt you have from your Guru. Introspect but never mourn. Be in the company of people who dare to change the norms and functioning of this world. A simple example of people who are pursuing paths to be wise would generally include monks, but you should broaden it to your teachers and friends. Once in a while if some practice is worth copying from the company you keep, borrow it. The experience here is very personal, a only few friends know about it.

These four elements of DIKW in balance together will reap an entrepreneur; in positive extremes, they will provide masters; and without proportion will lead to wasted lives. At the HatchnHack facility, we would love to see you transform into an entrepreneur, or become a master, but would strive to not let your life go wasted. The DIKW based step-by-step personalised programmes would be your time optimiser and your career's gold mine.

Use this well because as Einstein said –

Time is an illusion.

HatchnHack is a new initiative brought to you by NSIT Alumni. It is a maker space where people from all walks of life are invited to think, teach, learn and collaborate.

The team of HatchnHack follows the 3-A philosophy to success- Aim, Align and Achieve.

Visit for more details.

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