Evolution of World Races, Castes, Religions, Myths and Belief Systems

Evolution of World Races, Castes, Religions, Myths and Belief Systems

Evolution of World Races, Castes, Religions, Myths and Belief Systems

To clearly state that Dravidians or Tamils as the original inhabitants of the Indus, their race population should be distributed all over the land. The below paragraph explains their race and their castes (Major Sub-divisions of their race and its populace all over south-western and southern India). Last but not the least; they should also be having a well-established matured religion, culture, and belief system. The section below from sangam literature and an analysis based on how Indian castes were born and how their social system works and the evolution of their religion goes beyond doubt to establish the fact that Dravidians or Tamils (Pandians/Maravars/Devars) are indeed the original inhabitants of IVC.

?In the beginning, in Indus Valley, only Dravidians (Thiruvidam (holy abode of Devars) -> Thiruvida -> Dravida - > Dravidars -> Dravidians) as in Sanskrit or English, lived. They are called Maravars or Devars and their country is called Pandia Nadu or Pandi Nadu or Pantinatu or Puntinatu (Old Country) or just as “Pand or Pant or Punt” by outsiders (2600 BC. Later Europeans from Alexandrian times started calling the subcontinent as India (Indica or Indika) named after Sindhu (Indus as known by west) river. Mohemmedians called Sindhu as Hindu and later as Hindustan. It is also known by the name Bharata (country or continent) named after its famous Pandian King Nedion (or Bharatuvan (Bharadwaj - seafarer) or KadalMaravan.

From Sangam Literature Tolkappiyam we can learn the five major landscapes (or five thinais) of Indus or the world. They are: ku?i?ci (????????) - mountainous regions, mullai (??????) - forests, marutam (??????) - cropland, neytal (???????) - seashore, and the fifth - pālai (????), - desert (place?of Pandiars/Pandyas/Maravars/Devars).

These are the original inhabitants (or occupants) of India or Indus as per Tolkappium, a Sangam Literature - A?treatise on Tamil grammar,?might originally belong to the First Sangam Period (Agattiyam) but the oldest available records are from 3rd Sangam period (around 1300 BC to 400 BC).

?As per Megasthenes and Arrian in their books Indika as given in “Ancient India as Described by Megasthenes and Arrian - Translated and edited by J. W. McCrindle.” on a particular topic of interest that the Indians had never been attacked by others, nor had themselves attacked others, we can observe the following: “But what just reliance can we place on the accounts of India from such expeditions as those of Kyros and Semiramis? If Megasthenes concurs in this view, and recommends his readers to put no faith in the ancient history of India. Its people, he says, never sent an expedition abroad, nor was their country ever invaded and conquered except by Herakles (1300 BC) and Dionysos (3000 BC) in old times, and by the Makedonians (Alexander the Great) in our own. Yet Sesostris the Egyptian and Tearkon the Ethiopian advanced as far as Europe. And Nabukodrosor (634-562 BC), who is more renowned among the Chaldaeans than even Herakles among the Greeks, carried his arms to the Pillars, which Tearkon (Tirhaka - 691 BC) also reached, while Sesostris (1836-1800 BC) penetrated from lberia even into Thrace and Pontos. Besides these there was Idanthyrsos the Skythian (600 BC), who overran Asia as far as Egypt. But not one of these great conquerors approached India, and Semiramis (811-806 BC), who meditated on her conquest, died before the necessary preparations were undertaken. The Persians indeed summoned the Hydrakai from India to serve as mercenaries, but, they did not lead an army into the country, and only approached its borders when Kyros (Cyrus the Great 580-529 BC) marched against the Massagetai”. The Indian campaign of Alexander the Great began in 326 BC. After conquering the Achaemenid Empire of Persia, the Macedonian king Alexander launched a campaign into India. The Battle of the Jhelum River against a regional Indian King, Porus is considered by many historians like Peter Connolly as the most costly battle that the armies of Alexander fought. Alexander died in Babylon 323 BC and two years after Alexander's death in 321 BC, Chandragupta Maurya of Magadha founded Maurya Empire in India. The rest is history. So, it is clear that the Aryan invasion theory is a hoax. And Brahmins are the supreme Lords and everybody else is a slave and inferior to them is also a hoax.

?After 1500 BC Brahmins (Aryans) from Central Asia (Persian Empire) started migrating to Indus Valley and then into North India. Their primary way of living is begging. As begging is prohibited in Chera/Chola/Pandian Countries, kings gave them land, jobs, and other grants (brahmadeya) to discourage them from begging. Instances of such kings begging their subjects not to drive them out as they are minority aliens and can be quite handful at times are noted down in the annals of their history. Brahmins are not supposed to venture into sea and they had a unique land based culture that is different from the rest of the Indians. These groups of people were given education and raised by the Pandian sage Agathiyar. Further, as per manusmiriti, the women of the population are prohibited from learning Sanskrit and Vedas, and hence Sanskrit is not their mother tongue. These people later grew in numbers by their unique system of population growth and later adapted themselves to many non-labour oriented jobs, and held some high positions in many empires all over Indian Sub-Continent. As per Sangam Literature, between 1300 BC and 1200 BC the Maravars/Devars/Pandiars/Pandians migrated down south because of great floods and Tsunami (KadalKolzh). In the meantime various victorious tribes from Europe and Asia like Huns (Hunas), Macedonians, etc., established their colonies, first in north western India and later in north India.

?Over a period of time, these tribes married, intermarried, and formed alliances with each other. Soon, they were all assimilated into the Indian Caste system. When a tribe intermarries with other tribes, either they are absorbed into either of the tribes or a new branch (sub-division) is formed or a new tribe?(Caste) is formed to glorify their beginning like Mudaliars/Chettiars/Pillais/Muthuaraiyars/Rayars/Nayaks (distributed all over South India/Tamil Nadu) and these castes are basically born out of Devar caste et al. Over a period of time, these tribes grew into a large tribe and started observing their own practices, principles, guidelines, customs, languages, dress habits, food habits, art and dance forms (based on their learned, mythical God-like founding fathers) and thus evolved into a whole new culture.?These tribes claimed their origin as Lunar, Solar, Agni, Naga, etc., as per their original descendency.?They also claimed their proud descendency from their marital alliance with a great ruler or Lords like Rama, Krishna, Meenakshi, Sibi, Karikalan or any other lineages. At times, the same clan claiming multiple descendency (as in copper plates of Chera/Chola/Pandias/Pallavas) or parentage is because of that clan having mulitiple parentage at different points of times. Since these tribes have survived many centuries, it is only logical that they claimed multiple descendencies (ruling families) as given in Cholar kala Seppedugal. This goes on to prove the old and well recorded Tamil saying for all Indian castes that "Kallar, Maravar, ganathore Agampadiyar mella mella Vellalar anaare – i.e. The tribes born off Kallar, Maravar, and Agampadiyar slowly became Vellalars (became agriculturists or traders or took up other jobs apart from being warriors)". And to quote from Holy Bible as in “Genesis {6:1} And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, {6:2} That the “sons of God” (Devars or Lords) saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose”. Thus population (new tribes) also grew by Sons of God marrying daughters of men.

The world religion is based on 3 super powers (Father – God, Son – Lord, Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost or Truth – the Feminine Form) and its innumerable minor powers (Angels or minor deities or other Lords or Gods). They exist from everlasting to everlasting. This is the fundamental principle governing every religion. The three major powers are in its pristine form and they are the most holy and powerful (Omnipotent). And they are in trinity. Any God-Centric good (legal) religion falls into any of these categories. Even evolutionary science of the universe falls into these three powers. They are the fundamental building blocks of all creation. And other powers are the minor deities or angels (like winds, water, rain, death, animals, gravitational force, or any celestial beings). There are also laws governing heavenly bodies just like laws governing us. As the bible further says we were created in his image. We humans too are part of the same universal super power (GOD) and hold considerable independency and power just like our mighty creator.

When talking about God one cannot resist venturing into the topic of Evil. The world is forever divided between the Good and the Evil. The good is always good for everybody and the universe. It’s creative and positive. It’s the light of the world. It’s also destructive but only to the evil. The evil is the fallen from grace powers like black hole, negative powers, darkness, evil practices, witchcraft and anything that is bad for a common man and the universe. Evil is selfish and destructive. It destroys anything that is good. God is good. Satan (Brahma or Aryan in Hinduism) and his fallen angels (powers) are evil. He (or the evil power) is cursed by God (or the good power). He is not to be worshipped. The war between the good and the evil will be forever, with the balance, heavily tilted towards good. The good (or God’s) will gesture is or negotiation style is WIN-WIN (everybody wins) style. The Evil way is LOOSE-LOOSE (everybody loses) style.

Good (Positive) or Evil (Negative), words have power. It achieves its purpose. The good word builds or helps you. The bad words destroy you. Words are also your thoughts and not just those you spoke. We are all living in the same magical and mysterious world where the Lord of Lords - Jesus Christ and the other Lords lived. Only thing is we don’t realise it. The same words can still make wonders for you but you have to realise it. The moment you realise it, the awakening happens and the words start working in you and all around you. So, watch your words because they spring forth actions, and actions can make or destroy your destiny. But noises don’t as they can only distort your words but not its power.

On the other hand, Fate is God’s law of life. If you do a certain type of sin, you are punished the certain way or to simply put you will receive the effects and side-effects of sin (or doing bad things). In the same way if you do a certain good, you are rewarded the certain way, or you will receive the effects and side-effects of doing good (or right). Devars say “Vidhi (Fate or Law) can be defeated by Madhi (Wisdom). It means by not bypassing (or breaking) the laws, you can avoid getting punished or penalised. In the same way by doing good things (anything legal) you can be rewarded. This is the notion of Creed (Karma).

The Jewish religion is Father-God (Jehovah) Centric. There is no other God besides him. The Christianity is Son-God Centric (or Trinity) and the Saivism of Pandians (Father God (Lord Siva or Esan or Esvaran or Sarvesvaran), Son God (Lord Murugan/Skanda/Subramanya/Vishnu) and Truth or Holy Spirit (Lord Shakti/Meenakshi/Parvathi)) is also Trinity (Sathyam/Truth/Mother, Sivam/father, Sundaram/Son/ Vishnu) based religion like Christianity. Angry god Lord Shiva is also recognized as Pasupathy to show his other side i.e. long patience. Vaishnavism of Cholas is a Son-God centric religion with Lord Vishnu and his 10 avatars being the chief.

Indian Christians worship Father God in the name Esan (Lord) or Sarvesvaran (Lord of All Creation). But they don’t use other Son-God names. They use only Lord of Lords “Jesus Christ” as the only Son-God name because as per bible His name is extolled above all names. To add more to Christianity, it is a union of both Saivism and Vaishnavism.

Islam is Father-God centric and Allah being the chief benefactor. There is no other God besides him. They are not outwardly claiming there is no Son-God but they just don’t accept any other Gods. As per Torah or Bible or Quran we are the descendants of Adam and Eve. There are also other Gods as given below:

Based on their learned, mythical God-like founding fathers, over a period of time, every tribe started observing its?own practices, principles, guidelines, customs, languages, dress habits, food habits, art and dance forms?and thus evolved into a whole new culture or religion or sub-religion. These tribes claimed their origin as Lunar, Solar, Jupiter, Earth, Agni, etc., as per their original (Mythical God-like founding fathers) descendency.

?The oldest of all Indus tribes, the Maravar (Devar) tribe (Indus inhabitants), formed the tree or forest structure and all other tribes of India perceived themselves as animals/birds living under the protection of the forest. Those tribes that perceived themselves as a particular animal and adopted themselves to the way of living of that animal (often good practices) like Monkey God (Hanuman), Snake God (Naga), Wild Boar God (Varaha), Lion God (Shimha), Fish God (Macha Avatar – A Pandian Avatar and the first Avatar of Vishnu), Elephant God (Ganapathy/Pillaiyar), etc., These mythical founding fathers often became their family deity and developed into their own belief system. When any of these tribes became a dominant ruler, that deity becomes a major deity and their belief system is consolidated into a matured belief system.

This resulted in two main belief systems of Devars - Devarism (of Tamils), Saivism (Siva or Shiva followers – Lunar race /Father God of Pandias/Maravars/Devars) and Vaishnavism (Vishnu followers – Solar race/Thirumal or Son God of Cholas/Kallars/ Devars). In addition to it, to complete the Trinity, there is Shakti or Amman (Holy Mother Worship of Cheras/Agampadiyars/Devars) cult. The Saivism is the oldest and Vaishnavism is second oldest belief system of India. The Saivism based communities are Maravars/Devars/Pandiars, Marwaris, Bunts/Chetty, Weerakody Saiva Vellalas (Baidya/Vaidya), Marwars/Rajputs, Marathis/Rayars/Rayas/Roa/Roy, Udaiyars (Wodeyars or Wadiyars in Kannada), etc., and are populated over south-western provinces of India. Considerable population of Maravars are also found in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Middle East. And Vaishnavism based communities are Kallars/Devars/Cholas, Naidu, Naicker, Nayak, Patnaik, Nayake, etc., are populated over south-eastern provinces of India. There are also the mother goddess (lady of the mountain) based communities like Agampadiyars/ Devars/Cheras, Gounder, Konkans, Tuluva Vellalas, Mudaliars, Yadavas, etc., found in other provinces of India. These caste titles are basically given by Devars to signify their glory. There are also other castes like Kurumans (the Kurus’ of Mahabaratha or Kurumbar in Tamil literature) or the Andaman Nicobar tribes (African or Negroid race) which settled down here under the Chera/Chola/Pandia patronage. There are also references to some 18 tribes from North India that have settled down in Thiruvidam to populate the vacant land as per the legend of Sage Agathiar. According to the legend Agathiyar, the 7 rishi’s (Saptarishi’s) or Goud (“Head or Leader” in Tamil) Brahmins were raised by him and were taught Sanskrit grammar among many things. Some of the Schedule Castes or SCs’ are the prisoners of war of ancient Devar system who later grew in numbers and held considerable independency and are often involved in agriculture, construction, business, education, and warfare. Tamil SCs have contributed quite a few Poets, Rishis, Munis (Munivars), Siddhars, Alwars, and Nayanmars to Saivism and Vaishnavism traditions. They too have similar belief system but Gods of their own tribe. Such pattern can also be noticed in ancient European, African and Chinese belief systems.

The Heavens are established from everlasting to everlasting with Lord (Father God/Lord Shiva) as the supreme ruler. Christ (Son God/Lord Vishnu) as the Judge (and the High Priest) and all the other Gods as Lawyers for their devotees.

Thus, it can be easily understood that the Tamils/Devars are indeed the true natives of Indus along with their race and other castes. Maravar tribe is the oldest tribe of not only Indus and one of the oldest of the world. They are the close cousins of other ancient races like the Egyptian, Nigerian tribes, etc., of Africa, and the Greek, Italians, French, Spanish, British, etc., of Europe, and the Mongolian, Japanese, Korean, some Chines tribes, etc., of Far East, and the Arabs, Jews, etc., of Middle east. If you read through the appendix, you can observe their close association with them for a long time (right from their origin). You can also notice the similarities in their history with other’s history (like in the case of British history). There are also similarities of Devar’s religion with other religions (like in the case of Greeks and Ancient Sumerian or Egyptian). You can also notice the striking similarities with modern religions like Christianity and Islam. Further, they have also married and inter-married with the rest of the tribes as well. In short, they have their stake in literally each every tribe of the world.

They are also the longest surviving dynasty of the world beginning from the Pandians of Indus Valley Civilization (3300 BC to 1300 BC) to Pandians of South India upto Tenkasi Pandians (1300 BC to 1801 AD) to contemporary Pandians (1802 AD to 2020 AD) of India in the 21st century. Also, please remember that the Indus Valley Civilization (also known as the Harappan culture) has its earliest roots in cultures such as that of Mehrgarh and Bhirrana, approximately 7600?BC, pushing the antiquity of Pandians beyond 3300 BC.


Arul SP Muthupandian PMP, PMI-ACP, ITIL的更多文章

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