Evolution who?
Adam Paine
**?? Executive Search & Recruitment Specialist | Unveiling Top Talent for Building Product Manufacturers, Merchants, Distributors & Wholesalers | Driving Business Success ??**
Hello everyone.
For those of you who don't know me; my name is Adam Paine, I'm the co-Managing Director of Evolution Sales Recruitment, specialist sales recruiters and headhunters within the building product sector.
After years of working for market leading businesses, setting up new divisions and growing sales significantly my co-founder and I decided to set up Evolution to offer something a little bit special.
I must start by saying I'm not here to sell to you so please don't think this article has been made with that intention. I wanted to tell you why we introduced Evolution Sales Recruitment to the market.
Having worked for a number of very different companies we've been taught/trained/moulded/developed to work in different ways and using different methods; most of which are archaic!
I want to tell you a story; before starting Evolution Sales recruitment, I was sent to 5 interviews secured by a "successful" recruiter. She told me that with my huge billings, each company was going to make a new role to accommodate me and she told me they were ALL her "top clients". At each interview ALL but one client said they'd NEVER spoken to her. She'd just farmed my CV out to everyone hoping it'd stick. I lost all respect for her and as she was so angry when I confronted her. In the end I got 5 offers and the Director of the company I joined said "I hate the thought of having to pay that woman a fee". It had clearly worked for her this time as she'd earned a fee around £10k for the pleasure but she is the kind of recruiter that I don't want to be associated with.
Another company I worked for (I won’t name & shame) was a £1m business who's business model was "ready, steady, go get as many jobs as you can". I was made to make at least 90 calls a day, get 30+ jobs on every month, then farm the jobs out to entry level consultants so I could look after my retained clients and start the cold calling process again.
They encouraged consultants to "fight" against each other and steal their accounts, it was like the Wolf of Wall Street; they had no loyalty from clients and any they did, were minimal. They were constantly chasing their tails; in the last year there, I smashed targets by having a number of exclusive relationships I'd developed over the years before but these customers were taken away from me and given to the less experienced consultants as they knew I'd get more.
What was shocking is that the top 5 key recruitment players in the building product sector ALL do this hence this is why I'm here today telling you about our little bit of special.
Have a think about these questions...
1. Have you been inundated with calls from recruiters you've used in the past?
2. Have you worked with an agency who you don't fully trust?
3. Have you worked with an agency, you know has sent you a CV for a candidate without the candidates knowledge?
4. Have you worked with an agency who has pressured you to see their candidates?
5. Have you worked with an agency who without a doubt has sent you a list of people on their database rather than searching for the best?
6. Have you worked with an agency who you know would sell their Granny to get your vacancy on?
7. Have you had a dispute with an agency over candidate protection/introductions?
We're not reinventing the wheel by any means, the basic fundamentals have always been there; it's just how you adopt and implement each recruitment method into the recruitment process. If the answer is yes to all/most of those questions above don't dwell on the past, let’s talk about the future.
We've adopted "changing the way you recruit" as our company motto. We're proud of this mantra and you'll see it proudly emblazed across our company literature.
Service 1. Your preferred recruiter has 15 vacancies on their "job list" this week. They've got to hit their business development, jobs on, candidates registered and call quota so they're stacked and have to search the database quickly for obvious candidates for your role. They'll probably fill around 10-20% of these roles by getting a lucky break. They need to get sales and don't care where they come from. You receive a bang average service.
Service 2. Your preferred recruiter is working 3 vacancies which is plenty because they know they've got full commitment from all 3. They will definitely fill all 3 roles. In return for your loyalty, they want to work hard for you and you know they'll identify the very best candidates and proactively attract them to your position. Sales are important and although they know they're coming from you, you're treated as a customer and sometimes even as a friend so you feel valued.
I'm not going to ask you which service you'd prefer to receive as it's obvious; I know which one I'd prefer.
Have a think about the recruitment process - it's highly complex and it's not for the faint hearted. I believe there are 8 key stages for a client and I explain this in more detail on our "A clients guide to working with Evolution Sales Recruitment" white paper which is available to you FREE OF CHARGE on request. However, in the now, our business strap-line CHANGING THE WAY YOU RECRUIT. does exactly what it says on the tin.
We search the vacancy fully - I don't mean we refer to our database and send you the candidates who are available. Exploring passive candidates as well as active will ensure you have the BEST candidate/s to interview.
This is where we both play a key role. We then shortlist a top quality pre-screened candidates for you to interview. We hope you'll trust our judgement and interview the full final shortlist but it's ultimately your choice. There's no pressure from our side.
Once you've interview everyone, you're faced with a touch challenge to decide which Sales Professional to offer the job to.
I have written a number of white papers which I will share with you in time but before I go, I want you to know. I'm a no B.S recruiter as is my co Partner.
1. We ONLY work with companies who genuinely want to work with us
2. We don't to work with companies who disrespect their recruitment process
3. We don't want to work with companies who only care about paying the lowest fee
4. We don't want to work with everyone so we limit the number of businesses we work with from each product type
5. We don't want to work with companies who use us purely because their PSL failed
We work exclusively with THE VERY BEST CLIENTS, all of who meet our business needs as much as ours needs do for them. If you want to interview the very best talent in the market every time then get in touch today to find out how we can make the magic happen.