Evolution of Web 3.0
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What is Web3: What the Internet’s Future May Look Like
As we enter into the dawn of web3, most of you are wondering what the so-called new era of the internet will look like. Is it just buzz-word worthy jargon, or a world-altering idea? Especially for independent creatives and small businesses, how will web3 change your online presence and the way you interact with audiences—from creating a website to branding and marketing your talents.While there’s still so much we don’t know about web3, experts, proponents and critics alike are already having conversations about the hopes, technologies, potential benefits and possible pitfalls surrounding it. And many brands and industries have begun implementing some fundamental components of web3.
What is Web 3.0?
Web 3.0 is the upcoming third generation of the internet where websites and apps will be able to process information in a smart human-like machine learning (ML), Big data, Decentralized ledger technology (DLT) etc.
The Web 3.0 definition can be expanded as follows:
Data will be interconnected in a decentralized way, which could be a huge leap forward to our content generation of the internet (Web 2.0), Where data is mostly stored in centralized repositories.
Furthermore, users and machines will be able to interact with data. But for this to happen, programs need to understand information both conceptually.
With this mind, the two cornerstones of Web 3.0 are semantic web and artificial intelligence (AI).
Web 3.0 Networks:
As Web 3.0 networks will operate through decentralized protocols — the founding blocks of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology — we can expect to see a strong convergence and symbiotic relationship between these three technologies and other fields. They will be interoperable, seamlessly integrated, automated through smart contracts and used to power anything from micro transactions in Africa, censorship-resistant P2P data file storage and sharing with applications like File coin, to completely changing every company conduct and operate their business. The current slew of DeFi protocols are just the tip of the iceberg.
To learn about Defi Protocols and File coin Click the links which are given blow:
1) Defi Protocols:
2) File Coin:
Some Few Details About Web 3.0:
There are a few details that we need to keep in mind when looking into Web 3.0 tech. First of all, the concept isn’t new. Jeffrey Zeldman, one of the early developers of Web 1.0 and 2.0 applications, had written a blog post putting his support behind Web 3.0 back in 2006. But talks around this topic had begun as early as 2001.
Evolution of Web 3.0 Technologies:
Web 3.0 will be born out of a natural evolution of older-generation web tools combined with cutting-edge technologies like AI and blockchain, as well the interconnection between users and increasing internet usage. Apparently, Internet 3.0 is an upgrade to its precursors: web 1.0 and 2.0.
Web 1.0 (1989-2005):
Web 1.0, also called the Static Web, was the first and most reliable internet in the 1990s despite only offering access to limited information with little to no user interaction. Back in the day, creating user pages or even commenting on articles weren’t a thing.
Web 1.0 didn’t have algorithms to sift internet pages, which made it extremely hard for users to find relevant information. Simply put, it was like a one-way highway with a narrow footpath where content creation was done by a select few and information came mostly from directories.
Web 2.0 (2005-present):
The Social Web, or Web 2.0, made the internet a lot more interactive thanks to advancements in web technologies like Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, etc., which enabled startups to build interactive web platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia and many more.
This paved the way for both social networks and user-generated content production to flourish since data can now be distributed and shared between various platforms and applications.
?Web 3.0 (yet to come):
Web 3.0 is the next stage of the web evolution that would make the internet more intelligent or process information with near-human-like intelligence through the power of AI systems that could run smart programs to assist users.
Key Features of Web 3.0
To really understand the next stage of the internet, we need to take a look at the four key features of Web 3.0:
- Ubiquity
- Semantic Web
- Artificial Intelligence
- 3D Graphics
In conclusion, Web 3.0 represents the future of the internet, characterized by decentralization, blockchain technology, and enhanced user privacy and control. With Web 3.0, users will have more ownership and control over their data, leading to a more democratized internet. The use of blockchain technology will also bring about greater transparency, security, and accountability to online transactions and interactions.