The evolution of wearables and MPAX place in it
Last year the wearable market experienced a significant buzz, with tech giants like Apple, and Meta taking a swing at the smart glasses game. Each is carving out a niche, yet it’s MPAX that stands distinct, not just for its innovative technology but for the ecosystem it fosters. Let's have a look at the evolution of wearables and where is it going.
Setting the scene: the evolution of wearables
The journey of technology from basic quartz watches to advanced smartwatches over 40 years highlights miniaturization, increased intelligence, and adaptability. Fast forward to the present, the revenue in the smartwatches market is projected to reach US$44.15bn in 2023 whereas 7 years ago the market was practically non-existent!
However, the embrace of this technology isn’t just about its advancement but also societal readiness. The role of human imagination and acceptance is crucial for integrating such innovations into daily life.
The example set by BlinkIT?, while futuristic, is a testament to the potential for even more intimate and integrated forms of technology in the near future.
The BlinkIT? Innovation and invasive wearables: are we ready?
AR lenses by BlinkIT? represent a significant leap forward, hinting at a time when our interactions with technology become even more seamless and integrated. It places an ergonomic overlay inside the eyelid to transmit data to a mobile app and enables users to access maps, messages, and digital information in a manner that is harmoniously blended with their natural field of view. While BlinkIT?'s innovation is but one example, it epitomizes the direction in which wearable technology is headed—toward a future where digital augmentation enhances every aspect of our sensory experience. With Elon Musk's most recent invention Neurolink - are we on a trajectory of becoming semi-androids?
The time will tell. But for now - let's get back to the present times.
Smart Glasses - the new smartphone?
With the launch of Apple's iPhone, the smartphone craze turned into a global norm. If you don't have one - you instantly cut yourself off from essential parts of our society that make us connected. Now - it's time for smart glasses as it offers a compact, hands-free, intelligent design that eliminates the need to 'hold onto something'.
In the U.S. alone, there already are over 12 million smart glasses users, projected to grow by a million additional users a year. The exciting part is that the predictions were made before the huge announcements from Meta and Apple.
With tech giants entering the game, a significant shift in the perception of wearable technology is underway, with MPAX playing a central role in this transformation.
How MPAX sets itself apart
Handing someone a paintbrush doesn’t make them Picasso; similarly, owning smart glasses doesn’t inherently translate to maximized utility. This is where MPAX diverges from RayBan and others. While RayBan offers a tool — a sophisticated, tech-infused pair of glasses — MPAX presents an entire canvas, an ecosystem where the tool finds its ultimate expression.
Unlike the passive entertainment experience priced at $300 offered by RayBan, MPAX is an active, dynamic streaming platform. It’s a world where personal time is not just spent but invested and monetized. Every user is a node in a global network, exchanging skills, experiences, and financial value.
In addition, RayBan’s smart glasses, tethered to Meta’s applications like Facebook and Instagram, offer a limited scope. The glasses are a gateway to a world, but it’s a world with boundaries, where the monetization of personal time and content is a distant dream. MPAX is a world in itself, where the choice of the wearable is yours.
In the MPAX world, to start streaming and earning money all you need is a camera-equipped wearable device supported by the platform, but smart glasses are recommended for the most immersive experience. The initial investment in the wearable is not an expense but an investment, with returns streaming in from the global community.
To learn more about how to earn full-time income with MPAX, read our previous articles: Earn by doing what you love with the next-generation streaming platform MPAX and How Web 2.0 monetization models differ from Web 3.0.
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