
Welcome to Accreditation Times, your own newsletter for all things accreditations!

Our second edition brings you the theme of Evolution because, like the dynamic educational landscape around us, we are consistently evolving. But every evolution requires a basis, and the STUDIUM team felt it important to establish the basis and introduce you to some of our team members.

Firstly, one of the most common questions we receive about the “process” needed a clear answer and we simplified it using a short video. Secondly, most colleges are not aware about the common problems they run into during their accreditation journey. No problem – we addressed those problems too, along with a simple way to identify and resolve them. Then, we explored just the surface of National Education Policy (NEP) and how it will revolutionize the educational landscape in India. We also onboarded two new clients for their accreditation management journey.

There was also a great discussion on how brain drain could be reduced by targeting better quality of education within our country, which we briefly captured. We then touched upon Bloom’s Taxonomy, and then the STUDIUM team took a much-needed break by going for a team offsite to Lonavala.

For us, each edition of our newsletter will be packed with information that will add value to your institute’s journey, no matter where you are in the accreditation management framework. Through that, we also hope you get to know the faces behind the scene that make this happen!

Follow this space for latest news and updates in the accreditation management space, many relevant, contextual “value nuggets”, and a lot more!

1) How does a typical accreditation cycle work?

After having covered the “Why” and the “What” behind accreditation, we decided to throw some light on another frequently asked question about the typical process in which any accreditation cycle works. A short video covers the different types and the standard process any accreditation normally follows, which you can see here.

2) Challenges in Accreditation Cycle

Have you noticed how sometimes, just because we have a deadline, it prompts us into action? Usually, actions that are taken purely taken for the sake of meeting the deadline end up doing just that: you meet the deadline, but the quality of your work is impacted.

A similar problem occurs for accreditations. If you don’t have a process in place for managing accreditation cycles, you may end up facing problems in your journey. What’s more: even if you already have a process, but that is a non-comprehensive one, you will still face challenges.

Therefore, one must understand the challenges in an accreditation cycle, and you can easily do that by watching this short video.

3) National Education Policy

You must have heard about the NEP quite often. But what is the National Education Policy (NEP), and what does it stand for?

NEP is a way to revolutionize the Indian education system. Its framework tries to incorporate the important mix of a student’s Interest and Skills both! This framework is research-oriented and has a unique amalgamation with industry-relevant skills that develop students more holistically.

The basics of what the NEP stand for are best described via this video, and we intend to feature more such snippets that will change the way our education system is viewed by the world.

4) SaiBalaji International Institute of Management Studies

STUDIUM onboarded SaiBalaji International Institute of Management Studies as its latest client, which was formerly known as "International Institute of Management Studies". They have a wide spectrum of industry associations and believe in providing students with the granularity of management excellence by facilitating great education in management studies. STUDIUM will now back them with a robust accreditation management system. Visit this link to see our engagement with them.

5) India and Brain Drain

Often, brain drain is seen only as a challenge, but STUDIUM also uses its lens to view it as a catalyst for change.

What are the aspirations that drive individuals beyond borders? What is the impact that it has both on the origin and the destination countries?

It’s first important to get an overview of this phenomena before we start answering the big questions. Watch this informative snippet from our Founder and CEO, Shubham Purandare, as he sheds light on this important topic.


Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management (VAMNICOM) was established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India to primarily focus on cooperative management and rural development, and it is considered a center of excellence for cooperative management education and research. STUDIUM’s second important rural collaboration, we are thankful for the opportunity to us provided by the institute. Celebrate VAMNICOM as we join hands with them on their accreditation management journey to build a focused way to measure and manage their educational excellence.

7) What is Bloom's Taxonomy

Have you ever thought about learning about the way you learn?

Learning happens in stages. Much research has also been done in the different styles of everyone that best help them learn a new subject. When thinking from the perspective of an institute imparting higher education, what could be a good basis to use for a cohesive learning pedagogy? Look no further. Bloom’s taxonomy is a vast, important prerogative that helps refine the ways learning can be done. Watch this short video for an introduction to this framework and use this knowledge to your advantage!

The journey has already begun, and we hope that our Evolution in this newsletter was brought you value. Let’s work together to disrupt the education system as a whole and eventually lead the world globally on excellence in higher education, all by leveraging technology. See you in the next edition!



