Evolution- SAP UI5/Fiori Technical Blog Series -Part 2
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Hi Guys,
So as promised we are back with our new article on SAP Fiori. In this Blog we would be focusing of little more technical sort of stuff and see what is actually behind this technology SAP Fiori is.
Lets understand SAP UI5 first:
This is a platform or technology provided by SAP (or it will make more sense to say that these are the SAP based libraries provided with Javascript/JQuery) to create web applications or Mobile Apps that can run on large scale desktops to small hand held devices in order to empower most of the functionalities which can be done by the SAP systems. UI5 creates sort of web based applications that will do most of the work which are performed by SAP transactions today. So this talks of technology!!
Now comes Fiori:
Fiori is a portal based platform which works on role based objects. Now what does this term "Role Based" means . Ok Let me explain in more detail in layman's language. Suppose a person sees 50 fields in a transaction va01 to create a sales order. However in his everyday life he does not need this 50 fields and only 10 fields are relevant to him.He gets irritated..Whewwwww!!!
Now he has a Fiori Launchpad Portal (Thank God) where he can access "Create Sales Order" and has only 10 fields to see for his kind of role.Another user can see 25 fields if he has another role.Users are finally happy.Guess what users have also a flexibility to create a sales order from Tablet or even iPhone (from his home). That's great.
That's where the power of Fiori Portal come ---- Display only what the users want to see.
So Lets start by setting up the landscape for UI5. For this we would need the following tools if you are doing development locally (Eclipse) and you would need nothing if you are on SAP Web IDE ( Cloud based Development Environment).We would be developing by Eclipse based development.
- Eclipse (preferably the latest version Mars)
- Apache Tomcat Web Server (Binary distribution folder)
- SAP UI5 Toolkit (preferably the latest one now its 1.44)
- That's it.
We will discuss on how to configure your landscape to start with some development and publish them onto the ECC system. Stay tuned..