Evolution of Public Relations

Evolution of Public Relations

I century B.C. - Julius Caesar is considered to be the ancestor of multitasking and self promotion. They started to idolize this great ruler during his lifetime. The scale of his personal PR was striking: he built temples in honor of himself, organized the compilation of a biography and even wrote an opus, glorifying the military exploits of the Roman generals.

Gaius Julius Caesar

XV-XVII centuries. - Formation of territorial image began with Columbus and other discoverers. During the Great Geographical Discoveries, they actively promoted the advantages of previously unknown territories and exaggerated their miracles to attract the colonists.

Christopher Columbus

1697 – Peter the Great organized the the first Russian press tour. The famous diplomatic mission of Peter the Great helped solve real PR-problems, for example, allowed to raise the prestige of Russia in the eyes of Europeans and foreign politicians.

Peter the Great

1758 - King’s College (now Columbia University) sent out the first press release. The school announced upcoming classes, which were reprinted by several newspapers.

King's College London

1773 - The Boston Tea Party was one of the New World’s biggest PR events. The destruction of a tea shipment in Boston Harbor triggered a revolution. The protest of the American colonists received wide media coverage not only in America but also beyond the country.

Boston Tea Party

1807. – Finally, the term ?public relations? emerged. It is believed that the term ?public relations? was first used by the third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson. In preparing the ?Seventh Address to the Congress? he replaced the phrase ?state of mind? with this formulation.

Thomas Jefferson

1929 – Foundation of Hill & Knowlton, one of the largest and most influential public relations agencies in the world.

1997 - The first multimedia press release was distributed by Business Wire. It is commonly believed that Business Wire was the first company to propose adding video, audio, and photos to their distribution alongside text.

These examples and many other historical facts highlight the importance of PR in any era. It helps shape public opinion, manage perceptions, and build credibility. In today’s world with its diversity of communication channels and information technologies, PR has become more accessible and influential, playing a key role in the success of both business and politics.


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