Evolution of E-commerce

Evolution of E-commerce

From the dawn of the internet to the Magento mobile platform (1960-2010).

The origins of e-commerce can be traced back to the 1960s when businesses were able to carry out electronic transactions, called electronic data interchange (EDI). According to IBM, EDI means, “standard electronic format that replaces paper-based documents such as purchase orders or invoices.” [1]

In 1979, Michael Aldrich invented online shopping, giving us the ‘concept of teleshopping’, which revolutionized business and the way people do business. Aldrich’s technique later became known as e-commerce.[2]?According to Kevin Turner, principal lecturer at Brighton Business School,?"Aldrich and his company were very, very advanced for the time".?It demonstrated that people could do transactions from home.”?[3]

In 1981, Thomson Holidays in the United Kingdom submitted the first-ever Business to Business (B2B) electronic transition using online technology.?"Any holiday with a number in the company's holiday brochures can be booked in this way through the 66 agents in the system,"?says Colin Palmer, commercial director of Thomson Holidays.?[4]?Thomson Holidays' technology was TRACS (Thomson Reservation and Administration Control System), which was built on a large-scale IBM 370/158 computer system, with the Rediffusion minicomputer serving as a "Gateway" for accessing the complete booking files in "real-time."

In 1982, Minitel, the most popular pre-World Wide Web online service, was invented by France Telecom.?"The aim was to computerize French society and ensure France's technical independence,"?says Karin Lefevre of France Telecom.?[5]

In 1984, the ASC X 12 format offered a secure way to perform electronic transactions. Tesco/Gateshead SIS is the first B2C online store. The EDI standard is included in ASC X 12 and is used to communicate digital B2B transactions for a variety of business processes.?[6]

In 1989, Peapod brings the grocery store to the home PC. According to The Atlantic,?“modems on a wine rack at Crate and Barrel set up by Thomas Parkinson started to accept orders for the first food company on the Web, Peapod, that he and his brother Andrew founded.”?[7]

In 1987, SWREG (secure payment) established the first electronic merchant account, allowing software developers to sell online.

In 1990, Tim Berners Lee creates,?“worldwide Web was the first browser or browser editor because it was the only way to view the web when it was written in 1990. Much later, the program was renamed Nexus to save confusion in the abstract space (which is now spelled World Wide Web with spaces)”?[8]

In 1992, J.H. Snider and Terra Ziporyn publish?“Future Shop: Home modern technologies will change the way we shop and what we buy”.?[9]

In 1994, Netscape unveils Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypt. SSL is an encrypted Internet security protocol or Secure Sockets Layer. In 1995, it was to guarantee the privacy, authentication, and data integrity of Internet communications.?[10]

In 1995,

  • Amazon.com the most comprehensive new retailer on the Internet, starts selling online.?[11]?“Our motto is If it's in print, it's in stock" Amazon.com President Jeff Bezos says.
  • VeriSign was created as a spin-off of RSA Data Security.?[12]
  • eBay has set up an e-commerce platform selling goods and services to individuals and businesses.?[13]

In 1998:

  • PayPal introduces new payment options. Following a speech on global business opportunities at Stanford University, Peter Thiel talks with Max Levchin. They develop the concept of digital wallets later that year.?[14]
  • Yahoo! launches Yahoo! Stores (store.yahoo.com). “Store enables merchants to create, publish, and manage secure online stores to market and sell their products quickly and easily.”?[15]

In 1999:

  • Zappos has launched an online-only shoe shop.?[16]
  • Victoria's Secret launched a website.?[17]
  • Global Sports Interactive was created as a new e-commerce platform. The goal is to create, support, and update web pages for sporting goods retailers.?[18]

In 2001, retail e-commerce king Amazon.com sets a precedent for being the first company to launch a mobile shopping platform.?[19]

In 2000:

  • The ongoing dot-com investment bust. Fortunes have been lost and the US economy is slipping through a slow mug that ends in a full-scale recession.?[20]
  • osCommerce Online Merchant: The GNU General Public License makes osCommerce Online Merchant an open-source online shop e-commerce solution available for free.?[21]?osCommerce was started in Germany by project founder and leader Harald Ponce de Leon as The Exchange project.?[22]

In 2002:

  • PayPal is acquired by eBay,?Peter Thiel, Founder, and CEO of PayPal “The beauty of this deal is that it will allow us to offer our communities new tools and added flexibility to do more business. Integrating our services is a win-win situation for millions of current and future online consumers.”?[23]
  • CSN Stores and Net Shops begin selling products through several targeted domains.

In 2004:

  • Credit card companies (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX, and JCB) create PCI data security standards.?[24]

In 2005:

  • First Internet retailer conference. Keynote speeches by the President of the Circuit City Direct, Wes Arens, Vice president of Amazon, and Fiona Dias.?[25]
  • YouTube is one of the major online video players. In November 2005, YouTube received funding from Sequoia Capital, officially opened in December one month later.?[26]
  • The final release of VirtueMart.?[27]

In 2006, Google debuts Google Checkout (an online payment system).?[28]

In 2008:

  • Amazon introduces Amazon TextBuyIt. Customers can now use text messages to search for and purchase items on Amazon.com.?[29]
  • Magento e-commerce platform launched by Varien.?[30]?Based on Open-source software that gives online merchants power and functionality of their online stores.

In 2009, Amazon and Overstock lose the New York online sales tax battle.?[31]

In 2010, Magento mobile e-commerce was launched. Store owners can now create mobile storefront apps.?[32]

[1] EDI, IBM, available at: https://www.ibm.com/topics/edi-electronic-data-interchange

[2] Michael Aldrich, History of Information, available at: https://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?entryid=4528

[3] Denise Winterman and Jon Kelly, “Online shopping: The pensioner who pioneered a home shopping revolution” BBC News, September 13, 2013.

[4] Colin Palmer, Thomson Holidays, available at: https://web.archive.org/web/20110910040550/http:/www.aldricharchive.com:80/downloads/Thomson.pdf

[5] Hugh Schofield, “Minitel: The rise and fall of the France-wide web” BBC News, June 28, 2012.

[6] EDI Transactions Guide, Cleo, available at: https://www.cleo.com/blog/knowledge-base-edi-transactions

[7] Alana Semuels, “Why People Still Don’t Buy Groceries Online” The Atlantic, February 06, 2019.

[8] The WorldWideWeb browser, W3C, available at: https://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/WorldWideWeb.html

[9] J.H. Snider and Terra Ziporyn, Future Shop: How New Technologies Will Change the Way We Shop and What We Buy (St. Martin's Press, Manhattan New York City - United States, 2008). ISBN13: 9780312063597

[10] Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Cloudflare, available at: https://www.cloudflare.com/en-gb/learning/ssl/what-is-ssl

[11] Amazon opens for business, History, available at: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/amazon-opens-for-business

[12] Microsoft and VeriSign IDs, Microsoft Press Pass, available at: https://news.microsoft.com/1996/08/13/microsoft-and-verisign-announce-availability-of-digital-ids-for-microsoft-internet-explorer-3-0-users

[13] eBay to Acquire PayPal, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, eBay to Acquire PayPal, Exhibit 99.1 (July 8, 2002), available at: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1103415/000091205702026650/a2084015zex-99_1.htm

[14] BRIAN O'CONNELL, “History of PayPal: Timeline and Facts,” The street, Jan 2, 2020, available at: https://www.thestreet.com/technology/history-of-paypal-15062744

[15] Altaba Inc. (formerly known as Yahoo! Inc.), “Yahoo! Introduces Expanded Suite Of Services For Small Businesses”, The Altaba, Feb 10, 1999, available at: https://www.altaba.com/news-releases/news-release-details/yahoo-introduces-expanded-suite-services-small-businesses

[16] Sidra Durst, “Zappos has become the No. 1 footwear retailer on the Web by making customer service a competitive weapon”, Business 2.0 Magazine, March 15, 2007, available at: archive.fortune.com/magazines/business2/business2_archive/2006/12/01/8394993/index.htm

[17] Lauren Milligan, “Victoria's Secret: From 1995 To 2016”, Vogue UK, November 27, 2016, available at: https://www.vogue.co.uk/gallery/victorias-secret-show-archive-past-catwalks

[18] Reference for Business, GSI Commerce, Inc. - Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on GSI Commerce, Inc., available at: https://www.referenceforbusiness.com/history2/10/GSI-Commerce-Inc.html#ixzz6woiFKf00

[19] Sally Haton, “King of e-retail Amazon blazes an online spend trail,” Global Marketing alliance, July 27, 2017, available at: https://www.the-gma.com/amazon-online-spend

[20] Ben Geier, “What Did We Learn from the Dotcom Stock Bubble of 2000?”, The Time, March 12, 2015, available at: https://time.com/3741681/2000-dotcom-stock-bust

[21] E-Commerce Guide, OsCommerce Reviews, available at: https://ecommerceguide.com/ecommerce-platforms/oscommerce-review

[22] Target Internet Services, What Is OsCommerce And What Is The Importance Of Oscommerce Web Development, available at: https://www.tis-ites.com/blog/what-is-oscommerce-and-what-is-the-importance-of-oscommerce-web-development

[23] Id. at 19

[24]Compliance Guide, PCI DSS FAQ, available at: https://www.pcicomplianceguide.org/faq

[25] Kurt Peters, “Internet Retailer announces its first e?retailing conference,” Digital Commerce 360, Jan 5, 2005, available at: https://www.digitalcommerce360.com/2005/01/04/internet-retailer-announces-its-first-e-retailing-conference

[26] India Times News Network, “YouTube launched in India”, The Economic Times, May 07, 2008, available at: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/internet/youtube-launched-in-india/articleshow/3017907.cms?from=mdr

[27] VirtueMart Demo, available at: https://virtuemart.net/features/demo

[28] Juan Carlos Perez, “Google debuts Checkout payments system: Checkout streamlines e-commerce transactions by letting buyers store their purchasing information with Google,” InfoWorld – IDG News Service, June 29, 2006, available at: https://www.infoworld.com/article/2657959/google-debuts-checkout-payments-system.html

[29] Amazon Inc., Amazon TextBuyIt: Making It Fast and Easy for Customers to Shop and Buy on Amazon.com Using Text Messages, Press release (April 02, 2008), available at: https://press.aboutamazon.com/news-releases/news-release-details/amazoncom-launches-amazon-textbuyit-making-it-fast-and-easy

[30] Mainak Biswas, “How Magento Can Kick-start Your E-commerce Store,” INT. (April 04, 2006), available at: https://www.indusnet.co.in/magento-can-kick-start-e-commerce-store

[31] Courtney Regan, “As Online Sales Increase, So Does Battle Over Internet Taxes,” CNBC, December 17, 2020, available at: https://www.cnbc.com/2010/12/17/as-online-sales-increase-so-does-battle-over-internet-taxes.html

[32] Global GuideLine Team, Magento Interview Preparation Guide, available at: https://www.globalguideline.com/interview_questions/pdf/Magento-Interview-Questions-and-Answers-457.pdf


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