The world is in a state of Evolution and what I mean by evolution is not a physical evolution.

The evolution that we're really experiencing now is an evolution in consciousness.

A consciousness that has in the past separated us as individuals.

A consciousness that has been programmed with a belief that life is a struggle and that we're out here to survive.

That we have to be in competition with each other and undercut and undermine.

And we were acting as individuals looking for our own individual power, but in today's world there's a new understanding that the evolution is an evolution of consciousness.


It was also Nikola Tesla that said...

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”

And that there is exactly the space I’m taking about ... right now we are sitting on the edge of science, peering into a metaphysical petri dish watching the next evolution of medicine, wellness, health and biohacking unfold before us.

With the rise of greats like Dr Joe Dispenza and Dr Bruce Lipton, along with many more celebrated experts in the clinical Quantum and Energy Medicine space, the tale of how spiritual concepts of “energy" have swung from ridicule to respectability is now one of the most fascinating and clinically significant stories that can be told.

Just think - it was only 20 years ago traditional science was certain that the energy field DID NOT exist. In a few decades scientists have gone from conviction to absolute certainty that an energy field around the human body DOES exist - and can be communicated with through FREQUENCIES.

Moreover, we have begun to understand the roles of energy and the information field in health, performance, learning, wellbeing and disease.

Frequencies are the language of cellular communication, the key, if you will, that opens connections and functions in the body, mind and spirit.

Everything from disease, pain, beauty, emotions, learning, organs, chakras etc have a frequency and can be recoded with a F R E Q U E N C Y.

“Most illness is just stress from not living in harmony.” – Bruce Lipton


