Evolution class 12 Chapter 7 MCQ Question and Answer

MCQ on evolution class 12 taken from NCERT books There is Most Important MCQ These MCQ are prepared by latest Exam pattern Practice these mcq on evolution class 12 and get more marks in your exam.

Question:1 Dispersal of population depends on .

  1. On immigration
  2. On Emirgration
  3. On Migration
  4. all of these

Question:2 Evolution history of an organism is known as.

  1. Ontogeny
  2. Phytogeny
  3. Ancestry
  4. palaentogy

Question:3 Book ' Philosophique Zootogique was written by.

  1. Lamarck
  2. Mendel
  3. Darwin
  4. Hugo-devries

Question:4 which one of the following phenomena supports darwin's concept of natural selection in organic evolution ?

  1. Devenlopment of transgenic animals
  2. Frouduction of dolly the sheep' by cloning
  3. prevalence of pesticide resistant insects
  4. development of organs from stem cell' for organ transplantation.

Question:5 wings of Butterfly and birds are.

  1. vestigal organs
  2. analogous organs
  3. Homologous organs
  4. Both a and b

Question:6 Theory of pangenesis was give by.

  1. Darwin
  2. lamarck
  3. weismann
  4. De vries

Question:7 Hardy-weinberg principle explains

  1. Chromosomal
  2. Genetic drifit
  3. genetic equilibrium
  4. all of these

Question:8 As per Neo-Darwinism, which is mainly responsibility for evolution?

  1. Mutation
  2. Natural drifit
  3. Both
  4. all of these

Question:9 palaeonotogical evidences for evolution refer to the

  1. development of embryo
  2. homologous organs
  3. fossils
  4. analogous organs.

Question:10 Analogous organs arise due to

  1. divergent evolution
  2. artificial selection
  3. genetic drifit
  4. convergent evolution

Question:11 Apprearance of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is an example of

  1. adaptive radiation
  2. transduction
  3. pre-existing variation in the population
  4. divergent evolution.

Question:12 Evolution of life shows that life form had a trend of moving from

  1. land to water
  2. dry land to wet land
  3. fresh water to sea water
  4. water to land

Question:13 viviparity is considered to be more evolved because

  1. the young ones are left on their own
  2. the young ones are protected by a thick shell
  3. the young ones are protected inside the mother's body and are looked after they are born leading to more chance of survival
  4. The embryo takes a long time to develop.

Question:14 Fossils are generally found in

  1. sedimentary rocks
  2. Igneous rocks
  3. Metamorphic rocks
  4. any type of rock.

Question:15 which of the following is an examples for connecting link species ?

  1. lobe fish
  2. Dodo bird
  3. sea weed
  4. Tyrannosaurus rex.

MCQ Answers

  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. C
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. A


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