The Evolution of Bell Let's Talk and How It Needs To Change

The Evolution of Bell Let's Talk and How It Needs To Change

Sept 2010 an evolution of speaking out about mental health across Canada. A pivotal moment !

Years of talking that created a conversation and funding for various mental health initiatives around the country.

This year I’m not surprised the theme is “ every little action counts”. Why?

With the numerous backlashes of all talk no action post bell let’s talk days , it was then often looked at as corporation gimmick.

I’m not for or against Bell Let’s talk day Because I’M IN IT EVERYDAY -24/7 365 days and nights a year. My talks are always around action. Always. 

So here is some truth on what I see in my office:

On Bell Let’s Talk Day - there is an increase of clients coming in - as their anxiety is so high over the overwhelming “ help” on that day.

Post Bell Let’s Day- there is an increase of clients seeking help for coming down off the anxiety and feeling deep sadness as no there is no more of “talks”

And yes, there is a slight increase of suicidal ideation within the day of let’s talk to post let’s talk.

Remember when you participate in January 29th on Bell Let’s Talk let’s add onto their theme “ every little action counts” so when someone is feeling off - reach in as sometimes reaching out for them is extremely challenging.

Check on your strong friends. Those who are in healing and growth can also be overstimulated by let’s talk day. Because there is healing however there is residual feelings of hurt and pain and wishing they also had the help like this when they were going through their own struggles years ago. 

Corporations will participate as Bell Let’s Talk campaign have shown in their commercials . But remember mental health in the workplace is very real. It’s okay to ask what each corporation are adding into their action for their employees. Remember when articles came out on how Bell Canada truly treated their employees?! Not all fancy corporations truly understand the impact until they change their system from within. 

Also Mental Health is very personal to me. I’ve seen the struggles and the red tapes every parent has to jump through to even have a professional to “actively listen”. Access is available it’s the understanding that has been lacking. 

So on January 29th tweet away, retweet, text, call - but remember mental health struggles are in everyday for so many - ask yourself what is one thing I can implement in my daily life that can place this talk into action everyday. ? 

Action speaks louder than words especially when you live and breathe the Mental Health world.

#GetLouderOnMentalHealth #BellLetsTalk #Canada #MentalHealth


Parul Shah MSP, RSW, CPA (Doctoral Candidate)的更多文章

