Black people if your looking towards those we consider our intelligent and academic teachers among our white teachers. Regarding the truthful transference and impartial truth around race culture history concerning black people. Forget it because the majority of them are still steeped in real racism that we as black people know and understand. Not the type of false almost petty racism that they have come up with concocted, and diligently hold on to, and want us and the rest of the world to believe in it. We know what and who are the real racist and we know what real racism is. You who call yourselves educated academics and giver of knowledge, most of you are liars frauds deceivers and evil people. Because you know the real truth of our world, the real way to go about things to heal our world the planet. You have the knowledge at your fingertips. Yet you allow others in power to lie and cheat the people, keeping us down with lies telling you what to teach and what not to teach even knowing by doing this you know millions of people will suffer. You call yourself teachers and academics. I call most of you deceivers.
Are you telling me that you DONT understand that it is imperative that young black youth should be taught to know their history and culture who they are where they came from. Are you trying to tell me that it is not imperative that black people know their history and the wonderful contribution black people made to human development. Are you trying to tell me "academics" and "teachers" that it not imperative that for ones wellbeing and mental health one should know why they are unable to speak their own language, and be taught love of self. And why they happen to be in a white environments ruled by white people, with seemingly no language or real culture of their own. In other words like intruders foreigner's second class citizen's with no real control of their lives which at every turn is dictated by white people. And a police force that sees us, as the enemy, t.hat has been allowed to terrorize and humiliate and jail us since we first stepped foot on this island.
If your a so called academic or Teacher. Why are you not shouting it from the roof tops teaching these unfortunate people these things to help them love and understand who the are. You do not because you are evil and wicked and pathetic. Many of you like the status quo that you are white and that you hold the power. Most of you i believe are secretly envious of black people and keep from telling the truth and fighting for what's right because of your own insecurities and the many years innate brainwashing by white people all over the world that deep down you are superior to black people. I do not call myself a learned person but any so called academic or teacher who does not shout and scream to change the plight of those especially young black lives who have in many cases have descended to almost animalistic state as once i had. Then if you do not do this you are a fraud. Petition the government march on the streets as you do for other things that are right. And maybe then the prisons would not be filled with these poor unfortunate black lost souls who without love of self harm themselves and other innocent bystanders. Unlike you so called teachers and academics, if there is a god I'm sure he will have mercy on these unfortunate people unlike you. .?
Trevor Hercules