Rebecca McCarthy
ARSCLYCUS| Saatchi Artist| Contemporary Fine Artist, Fashion Illustrator, Analog Collage Artist, Crafts, Eco Art, Handmade Jewellery, Entrepreneur, Social Media Marketing - Facebook Ad Design. #art #design
German scientists proved that if you want to control a crowd you drug them!
This was actively employed by the Nazis' in the concentration camps using Sodium Fluoride to keep prisoners pacified and open to external control. But, this controversial Nazis medical science is still being employed today, since the 1950s.
So what is Sodium Fluoride?
And, Where does it come from?
Sodium Fluoride is a by-product of aluminium, and aluminium is extracted from clay and bauxite, and through a chemical process using cryolite the material is converted into aluminum.
In The Concise Oxford Dictionary Fluoride is defined as being "a poisonous pale-yellow gaseous element of the halogen group".
Sodium Fluoride also acts as an enzyme inhibitor, decreasing its activity. This could be devastating, depending on intake, since it cannot be reversed. Enzymes are vital to life and serve a wide range of functions in the body, such as aiding in digestion and metabolism. So it should come as no great shock to you that Sodium Fluoride was once used as rat poison.
Not only that, but studies have clearly shown a strong link to Alzheimers disease, a degenerative and fatal neural disease named after German Doctor Alois Alzheimer, a psychiatrist and neurologist who was a member of the Nazis party.
In the United States it's ranked the third cause of death behind heart disease and cancer. In the United Kingdom its the leading cause of death, with 541,589 deaths reported in 2019.
So what is exactly going on?
Is there a partial form of euthanasia taking place?
Is it a case of who lives and who dies?
Are we being pacified and open to control from external forces?
A Harvard study found a link among teenage boys who drunk fluoridated water and bone cancer.
In the mid 1990s studies indicated a link between Alzheimers and aluminium and people were warned not to use aluminium pots and pans for cooking.
The most worrying aspect is that most of our municipal water, bottled water, toothpaste, mouth wash, and even psychotropic drugs are laced with this poison. Very few people realize that the scientific name for Prozac is Fluoxetine and that its key ingredient is Fluoride: 94% of it to be exact!
Prozac is the most prescribed antidepressant today and it's even being administered to babies and young children.
German Scientists have already proven that Fluoridation is a deadly threat to the mass population, and consequently Germany has safeguarded themselves ever since 1971. Germany's water is no longer Fluoridated!
What is taking place is an insidious heinous crime against humanity because millions of people are being deliberately poisoned and denied the right to live!
This can only be described as the legacy of the Third Reich rising from the ashes in the form of the Fourth Reich.
What we're being informed about Sodium Fluoride is a Great Lie, but the truth is out there if you look for it. My intention for writing this article is carry out a full blown attack on this crime against humanity and consequently educate people with the intent to help to save lives!