Evil Is Running Rampant
Another cool and crisp Fall morning greeted me as I stepped outdoors to get in my vehicle, and for sure we are on a downward slide towards the winter solstice. While driving to office at an early hour, I was reminded how quickly our days are growing shorter.
With it being another Sunday, my first duty was to head back to my darkened corner to get my contemplative prayer session started, and once I was settled down and deep into it, I found today's experience noticeably enlightening and fulfilling. It would be great if each session were as remarkable as this morning's, but I guess it was just a reminder that they will continue to get better. I'm remaining confident my prayers are having a positive effect on a number of physically suffering people.
Since I didn't have to play at either church this morning, I changed into my work clothes and headed out to finish working on a mess that was created by another. In spite of it being exceptionally laborious, I was actually enjoying myself because it couldn't have been a more beautiful Fall day. Yes, I was also tuned-in to some deep thinking, but unfortunately the trucks and cars driving by were interrupting my train of thoughts.
After four hours of carrying limbs and cleaning up branches and yard waste, I stood back after it was completely finished and said to myself, "Wow, I never would've imagined this to be looking so good.", so I loaded up my tools and drove over to pick up two more buckets of walnuts from my old friend's yard.
Yes, I believe there's now plenty to crack this winter once they're shelled, washed, and then laid out to dry. I made absolutely sure I didn't take as many as last year because that was definitely an over-kill. Yes, I do use them for all the treats I make for friends and past clients around the Holidays, and luckily I still have a number of packages from last year in my freezer which will be just as good as fresh because I made sure to vacuum-seal them, but I'll be sure to use those before I take any from this year's harvest.
Once back to office, I made myself a cup of tea while munching on a handful of specialty chip I purchased some days ago. They're good, but not as good as I was expecting, so I'll have to try something different once those are gone. I still don't understand why those companies have to put so much salt on chips and popcorn, and the craziest of it all, is you usually end up paying more for something that has less sodium in it. Go figure.
With it having been weeks since I mowed, there was no way I was gonna let another day go by without having that done, so off I drove to get it all finished in one felled swoop of an afternoon, and after three and a half non-stop hours, I finally got it all mowed, and you can bet I was completely exhausted. I dare say if I had to spend even ten more minutes out there, I would've called it quits. It wouldn't have taken so long if I didn't have to stop and pick up sticks from the wind storms we had several weeks ago. I'll have to purchase a new blade for my push mower because I accidentally ran into a stump and bent it. Oh well, at least I didn't shear a pin in the engine.
Once home, I went ahead and picked all the remaining peppers and placed them in plastic grocery bags, so tomorrow morning I'll be gifting a total of six bags to various people who'll certainly put them to use. The very last watermelon was finally ripened, so I picked it and readied it for another who'll also be glad to have it.
All that remains in my garden, are my beautiful carrots which will continue growing up until we get a hard frost, so I'll be watching the over-night temps from here on out. Now that the weather is cooler, they're really starting to fill out. Speaking about them now, is making me hungry for something with my carrots in it.
When reading the international news this morning, I became all the more worrisome over the fighting that going on in Israel. I still think Putin had something to do with it, and only because he's wanting to create as many diversions as he can away from his war with Ukraine.
Of course the fake news that Russia and China is disseminating in our social medias, is also creating more polarization with our governing bodies. Like I said man-a-time, they want our Country destroyed from within, which will also be another diversion which will give China and Russia more opportunities to divide and conquer other sovereign nations. Yes, every form of evil is running rampant in these tumultuous times, so please, stay strong and don't allow your good characters to weaken.
Tonight's One-liner is: Are right and wrong convertible terms, dependent upon popular opinion?
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2023/10/08/evil-is-running-rampant/