Evil is Real
Evil is real and it operates clandestinely from the public eye. It is similar to a cancer that evades observation and treatment. It grows in darkness and gathers strength to a level of critical mass, then, it reveals its truth for all to see, death!
Evil spreads with a capillary action accelerating concentrically from various points where it has established itself, spreading out in all directions into and through all pursuits of man.?
This is the plan of Satan, first, to tempt those who are spiritually weak. Then, to offer them FAME, FORTUNE AND POWER over others in exchange for their souls establishing groups or lodges concentrated in hate for God. Then, to prepare the world for total destruction using its demonic lodges to exercise the black arts corrupting Earth’s inhabitants with LUST, GLUTTONY, GREED, WRATH, ENVY and PRIDE.?
This is no Video Game or Hollywood fantasy. It is real! Deadly real! It is the condition of today.
As in the day of Noah, when and where he lived. A place remembered by two?names which survived that event. Names, given by God to remember because they memorialized that flood. First is The Atlantic Ocean, a name of waters that destroyed Atlantis. Second is the Pacific Ocean, the name that defined the flood. The pacifying of God's Wrath!
God is in charge! Those who mock God and turn their back to him will see God turn his back to them, just as he did in the day of Noah. All the science and technology of that day was destroyed by the flood, while a basic wooden boat made with the hands of man designed by God, survived.?
The ultimate irony is that those who have sold their souls are the greatest fools of all. Upon their physical death they will have an existence of eternal death and torment in hell as slaves to the demons who once served them in their pact with Satan while on Earth. This?moment, they?have their FAME, FORTUNE and POWER over others, but that is only now, then, when they die there will be a brief moment of terror or awakening?of?conscience as they realize their fate in hell.?
Satan damned himself when he turned from God. No one tempted Satan! Satan chose for himself to do so. Man on the other hand was tempted by Satan which makes man redeemable!
God gives each of us a wake up call because he loves us and wants us with him in Heaven. Wake up brothers and sisters! Prayers are never wasted! We have the choice to accept the gift Jesus gave us all from his love for us. Any loving parent would die for their child to save them as Jesus did for us. Trust in God who gave us his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, who took upon himself the sins of the world by accepting humiliation at the hands of Pontus Pilot, was scourged at the pillar, carried his cross amongst the hating crowd and was crucified, placing himself as the payment for the sins of man at his fathers feet and uttered... "It is finished".
Jesus paid the debt for our sins by accepting His Father’s wrath on the cross.?He defeated death by rising on the third day transfigured, and ascended into Heaven as we who trust and believe in him will!
In God We Trust!