Evidently It Is Leg Day
I have not set foot in a gym for years. It stopped being necessary when I took a physical job. I gained weight after the resort which was an active job and worked in hotel reservations which was passive.
Even if you stand at your desk instead of sitting? It wasn't like running around a massive resort. I probably burned more calories walking from the employee parking lot to the locker room to the time clock. In the next position I walked on break and, of course, took the stairs to the top level of the garage when things were hectic. Otherwise? Hotel reservations was a passive job.
I don't need to lift weights. Many are ordering them. You know the deal- we get more exercise lifting a Bowflex than the customers will after ordering it off late night television. Those are around one hundred twenty pounds. Metal parts in a cardboard box mean a lot of them break open.
There has been more taping of late. I have worked in a different section with a bit more lifting. I feel it in my legs. Isn't that where weight loss starts? I don't ride a bicycle enough. That is a good leg exercise.
Love me, love my stiff upper thighs. It is Thursday. If I am awakened by leg cramps? Don't ask why that only happens on Thursday. Not every Thursday. Going down for a nap and having the feeling of "I need to walk this off" is not good.
It's always the left calf. In high school I was told these were growing pains. If that were the case my left leg would be six inches longer than the right. It is a little something I have to endure. It's not like I am pining for my lost youth. As George Burns famously said? There is nothing I could do at eighteen that I cannot do now. That show how boring I was at eighteen.