The Evidence
Tania Begg
Leadership Capability | Team Alignment | Proactive Change | Organisational Strategy
Victoria is starting to come out of its bubble. But there will be consequences for some time to come. Maybe not immediately but certainly in time.
As Premier, the buck does stop with Daniel Anderson. However, for some time now, I have questioned the advice he may have been getting from his Chief Health Officer. When you consider how other Premiers and Chief Health Officers have worked together to achieve a good outcome something went astray in Victoria.
For me, watching some of the behaviours of the Chief Health Officer, led to my concerns. He just didn’t appear confident in the messages he was delivering. By the same token, it is quite possible Daniel Andrews may have ignored the advice of is CHO and did what he wanted. That would cause some people to question themselves and their confidence.
One of the big questions in Victoria was who decided to use private security in the hotel quarantine debacle. The CHO stated he didn’t know about private security being involved until he saw it in media reports. Yet now emails have surfaced which show he knew in March.
It is possible, with everything else that was going on, that the CHO simply forgot about that email. We get bombarded with so much information every minute of the day it is understandable. However, when we are responsible, we need to make sure we are across all we need to know.
Otherwise, The Evidence can be damning.
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