Evidence of English Competency
Evidence of English Competency
While involving with the education systems across the globe, one thing that needs attention when PNG and Pacific Island students/professionals applying to work or study abroad either for undergraduate or postgraduate studies is the provision of the evidence of English Competency.
Our Education System issues Gr.12 Certificates with grades for Language and Literature among other subjects. In PNG, this is automatically seen as English. However, in other countries like those in Europe, America or Asia, this is questionable as to whether Language and Literature might refer to a different language, because all languages have their own literature.
Most of the native-English Speaking Countries and now its becoming standard for non-native English speaking countries to accept students and migrant workers who are willing to provide evidence of English competency as part of the mandatory requirements.
I would like to suggest the following:
1. English Language and Literature on Gr.12 Cert
Starting from 2020, include 'English' in front of Language and Literature on the Gr.12 Certificates, it then becomes "English Language and Literature".
2. Provision of English Competency Evidence
In most parts of the Pacific including PNG, the language of teaching from Primary to Tertiary Levels of Education is English. The National Department of Education can issue a certificate certifying that a student has studied English and is taught in English medium from Primary to Tertiary Levels of Education.
Many English Speaking Countries like those in Europe do not recognize PNG as Official English Speaking country though other non-native English Speaking countries like Fiji, and some African-Caribbean Countries are on their list not to provide English Competency Evidence because of the English Taught Education System in those countries. This can be applied to PNG but stated otherwise, in which all PNG applicants either to study or work are required to provide English Competency Evidence.
Some of the English Assessment Methods to be considered are; GRE, TSE, LSAT, TEE, GMAT, SAT, IELTS, TOEFL
When the English Competency Certificate is issued together with the Gr.12 Certificate or even with a Bachelor Degree Certificate, it saves a lot of time and money for PNGeans to study abroad or even to become a migrant worker elsewhere! It will open many other doors for PNGeans to grasp opportunities that are even Available with EPA https://web.facebook.com/edupacificagency
Jeffers Teargun
EPA Director
Email: [email protected]