Evidence of Criminal Collusion between PAH, QPS and BCC
Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam Arya Chakravarti
Chief Executive Officer at Golden Ant Enterprises
On the 13th of January 2023 I was locked up at the PA Hospital prior to the destruction of my luxuriant garden, bird sanctuary and business, Golden Ant Enterprises. My garden, which had many beautiful and valuable plants, as well as geological specimens and laser discs I was using for my original technologies, were plundered, in addition to an antique Buddha statue and large original oil painting (The Water Cycle). Then the garden was bulldozed.
This malicious act was committed by a German waste and recycling company called Remondis, which had been contracted to 'remove' a (non-existent) 'public health risk' by crooked employees of the Brisbane City Council (BCC). According to a note she sent me, the BCC had quoted my hostile and malicious sister $40,000 to $50,000 to 'aggressively clear' my garden.
After our father turfed our elderly mother out so that his long-time mistress could move into our family home, my sister has put our mother in a nursing home but won't tell me where. This was after she gained 'enduring power of attorney' over our mother and robbed her of her share of the settlement that followed sale of our family property in Carina Heights. It was my mother who paid for my house in Moorooka 15 years ago, and she had intended transferring ownership to me back in 2016, but my sister stopped her.
This document, a report written by a Dr Alana Rowan, who has never even met me, is also dated 13 January. This is a YouTube clip from 13 January proving what was criminal collusion by PAH, BCC and QPS:
The Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT) which denies 95% of patients their liberty, gives these victims of what is a highly abusive system only about 30 minutes to contest these 'clinical reports'.
How can this long report be contested in 30 minutes? This is a rhetorical question. It can't!