I wanted to talk with you about something really serious because I have this conversation a lot of times with clients but also with people that want to grow their business, want to share want to give information to people and I work with clients every day that we work on content creation and we work on getting things out there and one of the hardest struggles is getting them to do a video for me to share all of the information that they have.
The reason is lots of different things. I’m not ready, my makeup’s not right, my hair is not done perfectly, I’m traveling, I’m out in the backyard today, I’m doing yard work or I’m doing teaching a class and I don’t have the perfect setting or I don’t have the perfect things going on around me but here’s what I want to share with you.
The ones that do the work that put in the time and effort to do the videos. They’re not perfect, they’re not scripted, they’re not all set up exactly like you would think that they should be what they are is they’re consistent and I talk about consistency a lot for a really important reason because people pay attention to people who show up when you show up and you’re always there sometimes when I do things for clients that I work with. I do we do intros and we edit their videos a little bit just to try to give it more recognizable features so when you see something like that pop up from one of them, you’ll know that it’s one of their videos and it’s going to be good content and it establishes their brand.
We do that but the video itself is really about people sharing good information no matter what the situation. You may notice today my hair is a little let it dry today it’s one of those things or you may see pictures that are no makeup or sometimes it’s just not the perfect setting today. I’m sitting on the deck working and so sometimes it’s that. Sometimes there’s noises that maybe interfere with what we’re talking about but the consistency is it’s just like going to a job when you’re going to work if you work at a restaurant or you work at a dog groomer.
You have to show up at a certain time otherwise you won’t keep that job because that boss expects you to show up. The same is true when you’re talking to people and sharing information about things that you want to help people grow and learn about and those things are the referral that you’re sharing, but you have to be consistent or no one’s going to show up they’re not going to pay attention, they’re not going to listen to you.
I had one of my clients talking to me today saying how somebody was commenting specifically about how they’re so consistent, they’re always putting video out there and she says, “You know, I don’t have to be perfect, I just have to do it. I just have to give you the information, I just have to sit there and talk for a minute,” and that’s what want you to understand is, you know don’t just talk randomly about things that you don’t really know anything about but think about the referral that you’re sharing with family and friends.
Like you got a paint store that you worked with that was really great and they really helped you pick out what you wanted or a landscaper that maybe you really were surprised and really originally, maybe wasn’t going to spend the money or somebody who does your nails or somebody who cuts your hair or colors your hair or a tailor that you use for your suits or somewhere you like to shop.
As you can see, my video is not going to be perfect because my dogs are sitting out here barking but that’s what I want you to understand is what you’re doing is giving a referral to people and sharing something really good, that you’ve had an experience with so they can understand and they have the opportunity to maybe share or use that particular service or person to grow themselves or grow their business.
Consistency is key when you work on something. You’re really good at you know what you’re really happy about and so doing it on a regular basis is what keeps people showing up so be consistent. Don’t worry about what you look like or the lighting’s not perfect or the sound isn’t perfect or your hair isn’t perfect or you aren’t dressed perfectly because those things don’t matter. What matters is that you’re showing up, you’re being accountable and you’re helping people understand something that maybe they don’t understand. You’re sharing good.
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Thank you for taking the time to read this article, as a business owner for more than 30 years I learned what worked and what didn’t in leadership, team building, simple website tweaks to increase traffic and sharing business information easily on social media. I am passionate about helping small business owners grow and lead effectively and to discover and share their expertise and value with the world.
If you’re a Small Business Owner or a Leader and would like help with simple strategies on sharing your business, growing your team, successful leadership practices, business designs or social media please reach out to me through:
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