Once there was a school going boy. He was very naughty, and most of the time he would trick his teachers and classmates or tell them lies. One day, he was sitting near the classroom window while class was going on. Then, a butterfly flew in from outside, and he grabbed it right away. Then he thought about tricking his teacher and making fun of him in front of the whole class.
He put up his hand and said, "Teacher, I have a question for you."
The teacher was annoyed when the student talked during the lesson, but he kept his cool and asked the student what he wanted to ask.
He asked his teacher, "Teacher, can you tell me if this butterfly is dead or alive?"
He thought it would be funny to joke about the teacher in front of the class. He would crush it if he said, "It's alive." And if someone said it was dead, he would let it go. In both cases, the teacher would be wrong.
After thinking about it for a few seconds, the teacher smiled.
Then he said, "My dear child, everything is in your hand."
We also think that others have answers to our questions and problems, but it is actually the other way around. All the answers to our problems are inside of us, but we try to find them outside. We only need to know one thing about life: our mind is smarter and more intelligent than we give it credit for. We just need to know what makes it good and how to use its power in a good way.