Everything you want to know about limiting beliefs
If you’ve been in the online business community for a while, then you may have heard the term “limiting beliefs”.?
I know that limiting beliefs can seem a little woo-woo, so I wanted to take a moment to get clear on what they are, and why it’s so important to recognize your own limiting beliefs.?
If you’re anything like me, then you do, do, do. Do until you’ve achieved your goals, set new ones and keep doing…?
On the surface, you’re successful — you’ve been able to achieve everything you’ve set out to do, whether it be school, work, family life.?
But what about building the kind of life you TRULY want? Your desires, passions, and goals beyond what “should” be done??
All of the sudden you go from doing to thinking and talking. You circle around your dreams, but never actually face them head on.?
That’s where limiting beliefs come in.?
A limiting belief is anything you say to yourself that places a limit on what you can do. It’s all the beliefs that tell you what you “should” do, what you “can’t do” and what “isn’t realistic”.?
For example, let’s say you want to quit your law firm job to open your own private practice. A limiting belief would be “well I can’t afford to just quit my job!”?
On the surface, I’m sure you can tell me a dozen reasons why that may be technically true. But instead of saying “I can’t”, what if you reframe your thoughts to “quitting my job means losing my steady stream of income. What can I do to prepare financially for this temporary loss?”?
Reframing what you tell yourself is the first step to overcoming limiting beliefs.?
Want to know more about limiting beliefs? I wrote a whole entire blog series covering different kinds of limiting beliefs and how to go beyond them.?
Click here to learn more about limiting beliefs!?