Everything You Want To Know About Hashtags
You should never underestimate the importance of using an Instagram hashtag. It plays a vital role in spreading your Instagram reach, and it also helps develop your following, with people that are in your niche.
According to Simply Measured, they found that 88% of brand posts include hashtags and posts with at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement than those without hashtags.
So what hashtags should you use? Well, fret no more as there are FREE "Hashtag Tracking Tools" and paid ones that can help you discover popular and relevant hashtags.
Here are two programs I use the most
BuzzSumo can be an invaluable tool for discovering “what’s the buzz” on social media. I like this tool as it can help you to analyze what content performs best for a particular topic or better yet a competitor.
If you enter a hashtag in their Content Analyzer, Buzzsumo lists the social posts where they most frequently appear.
Another is Best-Hashtags. Best Hashtags algorithms calculate the best hashtags for you based on historical data.
How Many Hashtags To Use?
I do not recommend using all 30. First, Instagram can look at it as spammy, so I suggest 11-15 that are relevant to the photo, this will help to ensure it will get seen under those hashtags. If they are irrelevant to the picture, Instagram more than likely will not show your post under that hashtags, as again it looks like spam or that you are trying to beat their algorithm.
Should I Post Instagram Hashtags In Comments Or Caption?
Instagram hashtags may be placed in the post, or you can add them in a comment after posting. There’s no difference to their functionality. But for me, since my posts are usually tips they can get long and adding 11-15 hashtags can make people not want to read my caption. This is why I prefer adding hashtags in comments, as these are quickly buried once you start getting comments.
Should I Use The Most Popular Instagram Hashtags?
NO! It is good to add a few that are the most popular, to get some quick likes. However, in a short period of time, your post will get bumped further down, with others using these popular hashtags. And the goal with a hashtag is to get found not hidden.
Also, I have found that while popular ones can get you some quick likes, most of them are fake, bot likes or comes from those who are follow/unfollowers.
Banned Hashtags
Yes, there is a thing and believe it or not; it is not only those that are spammy or offensive. And if you use these banned hashtags, they can affect your posts and Instagram page. Some everyday ones are in this list, like #dogsofinstagram, #books, #happythanksgiving #women, and #woman
Find the 2019 Banned Hashtag List here.
Want to know more about hashtags and other influencer tips, then subscribe to this new, but useful facebook group!