Everything You Should Know About Automation Testing Frameworks

Everything You Should Know About Automation Testing Frameworks

?The time of relying solely on manual testing is gone. Companies now realise the advantages of automated testing and employ it widely. Manual testing is still a part of the testing process, although it is used very less. Its time-consuming, investment-heavy nature has given way to automated testing.

An automation testing framework is a collection of tools and processes working together to automate a manual process. It uses various test data, libraries and reusable modules to automate the process.

This article covers the important aspects related to the automated testing framework and everything you need to know about it.

What is an Automation Testing Framework?

The test automation framework is a set of guidelines that helps in designing and creating test cases. It allows testers to allocate resources more efficiently while testing.

A test automation framework is not a component of the testing software application, but rather a combination of tools and concepts. It is enabled by internal libraries and reusable code modules which provide a foundation for test automation. The test automation framework gives the test case syntax which includes methodology, setting up iterative testing etc. All of this contributes to creating a process that is easy and efficient.

The Purpose of Automation Testing Framework

Automated testing frameworks have unique advantages which make them an indispensable part of the software industry.

●????They help improve the design of automated test scripts which involves the reusability of components.

●????They detect issues with automated procedures and reduce the dependency on individual test cases by providing a structured development of all test scripts.

●????They automatically select tests to execute based on the test scenarios.

●????They reduce the test maintenance cost and increase test accuracy.

An automation testing framework also improves the use of resources which helps get the most out of them. And finally, the advantage of reducing manpower and relying on a more efficient option gives the entire process minimum interruption.

Benefits of Automation Testing Framework

It is undeniable that relying on automated test frameworks compared to manual ones is more advantageous. With automated test frameworks, there is increased speed and efficiency, lower risk and lower maintenance costs. Here are some other benefits that come from the automation testing framework.

  1. Low cost: The reusability of test codes and faster generation of test cases at a reasonable cost have made the automated testing framework a cost-effective option.
  2. Less manual interference: Only a minimum effort is required from the team as the automated frameworks do most of the work and require very little interference.
  3. Code reusability: The code involved in conducting the test can be reused in other future frameworks.

Types of Automation Testing Frameworks

There are different types of automation testing frameworks. Let’s talk about the major ones.

Modular-based testing framework - This framework works by fragmenting the application into smaller modules. The test scripts are created module-wise. they can then be integrated to create larger tests in a hierarchy. This allows for changes in a particular section without disturbing the whole module.

The linear automation framework - also known as the ‘record and playback’ framework, is used to test small applications. It does not require testers to write custom codes for creating functions. It can generate scripts with easy recording.

Behaviour-driven testing framework - This particular framework is made to be understood by even persons from a non-technical background. The tests can be made with anyone with a sound understanding of the English language. It is easy to create tests and analyse the results.

Keyword-driven framework - This automation framework works on the keywords mentioned in the excel sheet. Each function is characterised by keywords. This framework can be used by anyone with little scripting knowledge. The code can be reused and the test scripts are independent of the software under test.

Data-driven framework - It is easy to read data from external files. There is an ease in clearing hard-coded scripts. This helps testers test the same feature of an application as many times are required with different data sets. It enables quick testing of multiple scenarios with varying data.

Hybrid testing framework - This framework uses the benefits of multiple frameworks to create a specific test environment. The hybrid nature of this framework ensures that the test is adaptable to the unique features of every app.

Final Thoughts

An application that does not undergo rigorous testing is a loss to the company. Despite the best efforts, everything can go down the drain without proper testing. For the best automation testing results, you can only rely on experts like Calidad.

We are one of the top automation testing companies in India with world-class automation testing services that are dedicated to your project’s success. You can reach out to our team today to begin your automation testing services journey with us.?


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