Everything You Need for Your End-of-Year Planning

Everything You Need for Your End-of-Year Planning

Year-end planning can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. For finance teams, the end of the year is not just about celebrations — it’s about reviewing financial performance, setting new goals, and developing a strategic plan to ensure future success. However, without the right tools, this period can be full of last-minute scrambles, inaccuracies, and high levels of stress.

Power BI offers a powerful solution to streamline planning processes, providing finance teams with the visibility, collaboration, and efficiency they need.?

When combined with Acterys, Power BI offers several features that help address these year-end financial planning challenges, providing better insights, efficiency, and collaboration. Here are seven key benefits of using Power BI for end-of-year planning:

Streamlined Data Consolidation

Consolidating data from ERP systems, accounting software, spreadsheets, and other sources is a significant challenge for many finance teams during year-end planning. Together, Acterys and Power BI seamlessly integrate with various data sources, making it easy to bring all your information into one unified platform.

This eliminates the need for manual data entry, reduces the risk of errors, and provides finance teams with clean visual insights into every facet of the organization.

Comprehensive Financial Analysis

The combined power of Power BI and Acterys provides finance teams with robust analytics capabilities, allowing for an in-depth analysis of financial data during year-end business planning. Finance teams can quickly analyze revenue, expenses, profit margins, and other critical metrics to identify trends from the previous 12 months and make informed decisions about the future.

With a holistic view of the organization’s financial health, finance teams can pinpoint areas for improvement, identify cost-saving opportunities, and allocate resources effectively for the coming year.

Get the other five benefits on the blog.

Webinar: Turn Data Chaos Into Clarity with Smart XL

Are you and your team struggling to manage vast amounts of unorganized data from multiple sources, while facing relentless deadlines? You’re not alone. Many professionals in IT, finance, operations, and BI face the constant challenge of translating complex data analyses into actionable insights for a variety of stakeholders.

Join us on Dec. 11 at 12 pm EST/11 am CST for a live webinar where Acterys’ VP of Global Sales Mike Marotta will show you how Acterys Smart XL can help your team stop sifting through endless spreadsheets, fielding urgent questions, and searching for accurate and up-to-date information.?

Discover how Acterys provides a unified platform to seamlessly integrate and analyze data from various sources, significantly reducing the time spent on data preparation.

Register today.?

Webinar: Upgrading Your Planning Platform & Process: Make the Leap Without Losing Your Data (Or Your Mind)

Thinking about upgrading your planning platform but dreading the migration process? You’re not alone. For many organizations, the biggest hurdle to adopting a new xP&A solution is the worry of a complex, time-consuming migration that could disrupt data continuity and overwhelm resources.

Join us on Tuesday, Dec. 17 at 12 pm EST/11 am CST for a webinar with Eric Reyhle, Senior VP of Business Development at Acterys, who will walk you through a streamlined approach to making the switch by enhancing the widely adopted toolset of Power BI & Excel.?

Through an exclusive live demo of the Acterys platform, he’ll showcase best practices for data migration, highlight critical strategies to minimize risk, and reveal how Acterys seamlessly integrates with your existing data, ensuring a smooth transition without the headaches.

Sign up now.

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