Everything You Need to Know About Working From Home
If working from home is not working out for you, read and learn hundreds of ideas to do it well. Images 123rf, Shutterstock, CO State Univ.

Everything You Need to Know About Working From Home

Welcome to the new normal of work-from-home. Even when the current crisis is over, I predict work from home will be here to stay.

Many of us are facing a new normal as we attempt to work from home during the current COVID-19 crisis. Because I transitioned to a home-based office 21 years ago, I’d like to share a few rules with you that I’ve found helpful, plus provide several links from some of the leading voices in remote work. I used to commute an hour in each direction through heavy traffic, so work-from-home in 1998 was a major plus. 

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Hank’s Seven Rules for Working Remotely

Rule 1: Have the right equipment. You cannot afford to have old, slow and unreliable equipment that works intermittently. An investment in quality and technology goes a long way in assuring that you can perform quality work as well – or better – than you can in the office. Even though wireless is fantastic, it is not as reliable as wired internet access, especially if you are hosting video meetings. And invest in a quality wireless headset that enables you to have mobility in and around your workspace.

Rule 2: Have the right setting. This one is huge. You cannot expect to give your work the focus and attention it needs if you are trying to work on the kitchen table with kids and pets running amok. Find a quiet place away from the noise to work, where you can close the door and it is understood that when the door is closed, you may not be disturbed. We converted a garage into offices and built a professional setting, though if another room (like a bedroom) had been available, we could have converted that. If you see work-from-home as your new normal it will be a good investment to create the right work setting that allows you to be a professional.

Rule 3: Have the right lighting.  In order for you to see what you are doing it has to be well illuminated.  I installed six overhead dimmable LED down lights that give me good illumination day or night. I also opted for a location with good natural light, since daylight – especially on sunny days – really helps improve energy levels. If overhead light is not an option, place enough standing or table-top lights so that you rook is well lit. Because our new-normal is use of video meetings, lighting is key (more on this later).

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Rule 4: Have the right workspace. Because I see clients in my home office, I opted for a U-shaped work surface that allows my visitors and me a comfortable setting and plenty of surface for projects. An ergonomic chair is a must along with a chair mat that allows easy rolling. Consider a standing desk which is well worth the investment. Make your workspace yours with pictures, whiteboards, etc. to suit your preferences and consider how you will use it with or without visitors.   

Rule 5: Have the right routine. You work routine should include a lot of movement! More than 15 minutes in one position will result in giving your chiropractor lots of business. And more than 15 minutes in one position will result in a drop in your energy levels and focus. So, get up, move around, stretch, take a 6-minute power nap once or twice a day, get outside for a walking meeting phone… there are a variety of activities to keep you from being fixed to one position. You’ll feel better and your focus will improve.

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Rule 6: Have the right strategy for managing distractions. Everyone has their own list of things that distract them and rob them of their focus. Someone shared this exercise with me 20 years ago and it saved my business (and sanity):

a.    Build 2-column written list of all your distractions (like email alerts, incoming spam callers, family/pet interruptions, etc.). 

b.   In column 1, list each distraction and why it is a distraction.

c.    In column 2, list the specific things you can do to manage or eliminate it. For example, if incoming calls and emails create a disturbance, turn the alerts off and ringer down and use caller ID. Don’t answer the phone unless you know the call necessary for your business. And don’t look at your email just because you have it. Instead, schedule times to respond to voicemail and email.

Rule 7: Have the right virtual meeting technology. This one is critical during the current crisis. I’ve used GoToMeeting for more than 15 years and love it. I’ve recently used Zoom and love it as well. I’ve tried Skype, Facetime, WebEx, and a half-dozen others and all have their value. The key is to choose the right virtual meeting service to help you accomplish your work-from-home purposes and invest in the pro version. Free services are OK in an emergency but worth every penny you pay for them. For video, you need the right lighting, so keep these rules in mind: 

a.    NEVER have your camera point into or towards a light source. You’ll look like crap to the views.

b.   Have enough light on you that you don’t have crazy shadows on your face that make you look like a zombie. Conversely, you don’t want to look like God is about to lift you off the planet in a beam of light. 

c.    Your viewers can see what is behind you so make sure that it won’t be distracting (a tower of pizza boxes, a messy desk, or inappropriate pictures). I use my laptop and tilt the screen to get a full head and upper torso shot, but it is aimed above my desk (sometimes strewn with stuff I’m working on). It is angled to give viewers the best backdrop that gives the appearance of a professional setting.      

I hope that you’ll add to the list based on what has worked for you. Meanwhile, here are some very recent articles and links that will give you some excellent guidance on the many finer points of working effectively from home:

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Building Culture and Trust With Remote Teams


The Two Big ideas:

1.   Establish a way to convey “how and why” decisions are made

2.   Get rid of “meeting” culture and enable spontaneous conversations across teams

Keeping Your Communication Professional as You Work from Home


The Two Big Ideas:

1.   Tidy up your window on the world

2.   Check your tome and phrasing

How to Manage a Remote Team (4 Fears You Must Overcome)


The Two Big Ideas:

1.   Are my people focusing on the right priorities

2.   Ideas to keep my people motivated – remotely

The Rules for Engaging Remote Teams


The Two Big Ideas:

1.   7 practical and straightforward rules of guiding remote teams

2.   Informative 5:30 video worth watching

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Has Your Remote Team Defined Ground Rules Yet? Here’s How


The Two Big Ideas:

1.   How do you develop and get agreement with the new ground rules going forward

2.   What are some sample ground rules from which to develop ours?

Adjusting to Remote Work During the Coronavirus Crisis


The Two Big Ideas:

1.   Training staff on the new infrastructure, protocols, culture during the remote work period

2.   Dealing with isolation and focus when working form home

How to Run Great Video Meetings During the Coronavirus Outbreak


The Two Big Ideas:

1.   How your company has to adapt to having critical interactions and making key decisions via video conference.

2.   6 rules for effective video conferences

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How to Get the Most Out of Zoom Video Meetings


The Two Big Ideas:

1.   33-minute tutorial video for using Zoom

2.   Good practical ideas

Zoom 1-Minute Tutorial Video Library


The Two Big Ideas:

1.   Nine 1-minute video shorts from ZOOM on how to use this service

2.   Zoom offers a fantastic alternative to in-person meetings

How to Keep a Virtual Audience Captivated


The Two Big Ideas:

1.   Are my people focusing on the right priorities

2.   Ideas to keep my people motivated – remotely


About me: I work with some of the world’s top employers by helping them get the most out of their talented people. My company's extensive leadership development course catalog provides effective skills-building for everyone in the organization, from the new / developing leader to the seasoned C-level executive. My company's coaching programs produce significant results in compressed periods of time. I also help job seekers, higher ed, and employment services connect people to better jobs faster. My company's acclaimed career development tools help people navigate the ever-changing landscape of conducting a successful job search. To find out more, please visit us at www.boyermanagement.com, email us at [email protected], or call us at 215-942-0982.   


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