Everything You Need to Know About Toxic Positivity

Everything You Need to Know About Toxic Positivity

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Toxic positivity refers to the belief that people should have a positive mindset no matter how complex or dire a situation is. While optimism and positive thinking can be beneficial, #toxicpositivity throwaways all difficult emotions in favour of a cheerful or often falsely-positive fa?ade. A positive outlook on life can improve your mental well-being, though life is not always positive. We all experience painful and difficult emotions throughout life. Those unpleasant emotions must be dealt with openly and honestly to achieve acceptance and improved psychological health. #Toxic positivity exaggerates positive thinking. It doesn't only stress the importance of optimism but decreases and sometimes rejects any trace of human emotions not strictly positive or happy. In addition, toxic #positivity is having 'good vibes only' about life and neglecting all other negative emotions. It rejects people the authentic support they require to cope with what they're facing.

Examples of Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity hinges on failing to acknowledge someone's negative emotions. A few examples of toxic positivity include the following:

  • When you experience a setback like losing your job, people may tell you to "just stay positive" or "look on the bright side." While such words offer sympathy, they can hide anything the other person wants to say about their feelings.
  • After a loss, people might say that "everything happens for a reason." Though this statement is meant to console, it can also be a way to avoid acknowledging someone's pain.
  • When you express disappointment or sadness, someone may say, "happiness is a choice." It implies that negative emotions result from failing to "choose" to be happy.

Why is Toxic Positivity Harmful?

Too much positivity can become toxic and harmful to people struggling through difficult times. Instead of receiving genuine human emotions and unconditional support, people with toxic positivity often find their feelings dismissed, invalidated, or ignored. Some harmful effects of toxic positivity include:

Demeaning a Loss

Grief and sadness are standard in the face of loss. People who constantly hear messages to be happy or move on might feel that others are not concerned about their loss. For example, a parent who has lost a child might think their child was unimportant to others, compounding their grief.

Causes Shame

Toxic positivity can lead to shame, making people feel that their emotions are unacceptable. When a person is suffering, they need to know that their emotions are valid and they can seek relief and love from their loved ones.

Causes Guilt

Toxic positivity can cause feelings of guilt. It carries a message that if you're feeling positive even in a tragic situation, you're doing some inappropriate.

Avoids Human Emotions

Toxic positivity is an avoidance mechanism. When people indulge in this behaviour, it enables them to avoid the emotional situation that makes them uneasy. Sometimes we ignore and deny difficult emotions when we feel them.

Prevents Growth

Toxic positivity helps us to avoid feeling things that may cause pain. However, it hinders our ability to confront complicated feelings that can lead to growth and deeper insights.

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