Everything You Need to Know About Surrogacy Law in India

Everything You Need to Know About Surrogacy Law in India

If you want to start a family through surrogacy in India but aren’t sure how this process works, you’ve come to the right place! Find out everything you need to know about surrogacy law in India here, including which states allow it and who can be your surrogate. For more tips on how to pursue your dreams of having a family through surrogacy, check out our full guide here!

5 things you should know before becoming a surrogate parent

While many people consider becoming a surrogate parent for infertile couples, only about 1% of women who apply are accepted. Here’s what you need to know before making your choice.

  1. It can be a great opportunity if you have been unable to conceive on your own: Women have all sorts of reasons why they want to become surrogates, but one of the most common is that they have been unable to get pregnant themselves. Becoming a surrogate gives them an opportunity not just to help someone else become pregnant but also realize their own dreams of motherhood—no matter how big or small those dreams might be.
  2. There are a lot of legal and medical issues involved: If you’re thinking about becoming a surrogate, you need to know that there are many legal and medical issues involved—and they vary from state to state. That’s why it’s important for potential surrogates to find a lawyer who is experienced with surrogacy law, as well as an OB/GYN or fertility specialist who can explain all of your options and help you make an informed decision.
  3. It’s not always easy being pregnant: One reason some women decide not to become surrogates is because they don’t realize how challenging pregnancy can be. Even if you have been able to get pregnant on your own, pregnancy isn’t always easy; carrying another child can be physically demanding and emotionally draining.
  4. It’s not just about giving someone else a baby: When you become a surrogate, you’re making an incredible gift of yourself—both physically and emotionally. It’s important for all parties involved to understand that surrogacy is about so much more than just giving someone else a baby; it’s also about helping two people fulfill their dream of becoming parents and creating their own family unit.
  5. It’s not always a happy ending: While most surrogacy arrangements end happily, there are times when things don’t work out as planned. It’s important for all parties involved to understand that surrogacy is about more than just giving someone else a baby; it’s also about helping two people fulfill their dream of becoming parents and creating their own family unit—and that doesn’t always happen.

6 rights and responsibilities of parents who use surrogates

Although surrogacy laws vary widely from state to state, and country to country, there are some rights that parents who use a surrogate should be aware of. In addition, prospective parents should know about any special responsibilities they’ll have as surrogacy parents. Note: The following information is intended as general guidance for what’s likely included in most state’s surrogacy laws. If you want specific legal advice about your situation, contact an attorney licensed in your state.

1) Legal parentage — Parentage means being recognized as a parent under law and having parental rights and responsibilities. In states where surrogacy contracts are legally enforceable, a court will determine whether or not someone is a child’s legal parent after birth. Most courts will base their decision on whether or not someone meets all of these conditions: ? They’re married to or in a domestic partnership with one of the child’s biological parents ? They plan to raise the child with their spouse or partner ? They intend to make their home where their child lives

2) Allocation of parental responsibility — Parents can agree on how decisions will be made regarding their children when they’re together and when they’re apart. This includes decisions like education, religion, health care and more.

3) Right to access medical history — Before entering into a surrogacy agreement, it’s important to understand how much access you’ll have to medical records related to your child.

4) Child support — Some courts may order genetic parents who aren’t raising their own children financially responsible for them if it’s determined that they could afford it (even if they don’t).

5) Visitation/parenting time with the surrogate mother — This can be especially important if she decides she wants her own relationship with her child.

6) Who gets custody if something happens? Since there are no guarantees in life, it’s smart to think through what would happen if something were to happen before or during pregnancy. For example, if something happened while pregnant, who would get custody of your embryo?


Having a child is one of life’s most profound wishes. Unfortunately, many couples can’t do so for health reasons or because their partner is infertile. These people don’t lose hope, as there are other ways to bring children into their lives. Such a way of having children is surrogacy. This option lets people have children that share their genetics, but aren’t genetically related to them at all. However, there are legal issues involved with surrogacy. In order to understand these issues better and learn how they affect your situation, it’s important you consult an experienced attorney who has experience with surrogacy law in India. Your attorney will be able to answer any questions you may have and help you navigate through any legal challenges you may face during your journey towards parenthood. A good attorney will also ensure that your rights and interests are protected throughout the process and beyond.


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