Everything You Need to Know to Start the iOS Development of your App
If you run a startup or a SME and want to launch your own app, you may have found yourself in the dilemma of which iOS programming language to choose to make your app a reality.
You know that it is not an easy task and if you do not have technical knowledge in this area, the choice is even more complicated. Therefore, you want to help you understand the different options on the market, so that you can make the best choice for your iOS development.
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Things you should know before starting iOS development
Below is a brief list of key points to take into account when developing your iOS apps development.
1. Define your main purpose
Before starting to shape iOS app development, you must be clear about what specific problems you solve with the application, if there are other apps aimed at solving the same problems or what differences exist between your application and the rest.
In this way, you will be able to build a functional and differentiating tool.??
2. Carry out market research
Knowing your public and segmenting it according to its characteristics will help you have a better overview. This information will serve as a guide for the iOS development of the app, making it useful and similar to the tastes of consumers, making it easier to achieve success with your product.
3. Devise a development plan
It should contain all the information you need and be as detailed as possible. It must reflect the tools that you are going to use, the characteristics of the interface, functionalities to be covered, the results that you hope to achieve and how to measure them.
A good plan will allow improvements and changes to be made afterwards, if necessary.
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4. Capacity assessment
From the beginning it is convenient to decide if you want to involve your internal team or if you need to have a team of specialists such as an application developer, front-end, UX or even a project manager.
5. Consider native, hybrid, and web apps
When developing an application, you must take into account if your users are going to use it on any platform (tablets, computers, mobile phones…) or if you want its use to be focused, for example, only on their mobile phones. Based on this answer, you will have to choose between native, web or hybrid applications .?
Types of solutions you can adopt in iOS development
It is not convenient to start a house from the roof. So that you can start building your application with a good foundation, we will tell you about different types of development solutions.
Native apps
For their development they use the native language of the device on which they are going to be installed. For Android they are developed in Java and on iOS with Objective-C or Swift.
These applications are recommended for the use of official tools for each type of platform.
Hybrid apps?
The first type of multiplatform apps ...
?? Read the full article | Everything You Need to Know to Start the iOS Development of your App