Everything You Need To Know About Shoring
Shoring is often an integral part of construction projects, and whether you are planning a large construction project, installing a pipe, or doing an archaeological dig, understanding the fundamentals of shoring is crucial to the success of your project.
In this blog, we will tell you all you need to know about shoring, including when it is required, how it can be installed, some key trench shoring terms, and how to stay safe when shoring.
Shoring refers to using a solution or product in order to support an excavation and/or reinforce a trench, this will typically involve something like a shoring box bracing against two open sides of a trench in order to retain the braced soil. The most common method of shoring is done by using a shoring or trench box, which can come in various lengths, widths, and base materials.
Workplace Health & Safety in Australia states that if a trench has an excavated depth of greater than 1.5m, it is considered ‘high-risk construction work’ and must be supported by an excavation method, this will most often be shoring. It’s important to note, however, that even if an excavation is less than 1.5m deep there are still many instances in which shoring it up will be necessary in order to make sure it is safe to work in.
A shoring box is a system often constructed from aluminium or steel, and consists of two plates or shields that are held apart by struts placed laterally to the plates in order to brace them.?
Shoring boxes come in a range of varying lengths, thicknesses, widths, and weights, and are typically used to support excavations on construction sites.
There are many ways shoring boxes can be installed, and it is often dependent on the site being excavated, the specific box being used, and the machinery available.?
The first method that can be used to install a shoring box is called the Dig & Push method. This is where a box is lowered into a trench that is not yet fully dug out, and then the back of an excavator bucket is used to carefully push down each corner of the box while the excavator occasionally redigs further into the soil to install it in the ground.?
The majority of our trench boxes have panels that “toe-out”, meaning that they are designed to be slanted slightly inwards, making the Dig & Push method an ideal way to install them and also giving them added stability at greater depths.
The other commonly used method for installing shoring is the Dig & Place method, where, using lifting chains or similar, the box is lowered into a trench that has been completely dug out to the required depth, length, and width. This method is preferred on smaller excavations where there is minimal risk of the trench collapsing in on itself while unshored fully, or when the Dig & Push method would damage the shoring box.
The bottom lip of our trench boxes is cut to be angled outwards, helping them go into the ground better and easier. This is known as being “knife-edged”, meaning the boxes can be easily installed using either the Dig & Place or Dig & Push method.
There are a number of different types of excavation techniques that can be used instead of, or as well as, shoring. It’s important to determine what excavation support method may be required for your project to make it as safe as possible for people working in excavated trenches, if you’re unsure, then get in touch and one of our friendly experts can help you decide which solution will be most suitable.
Benching is an excavation method where a series of even steps are cut into the sides of the soil to act as a safeguard against sites collapsing and sliding. It is traditionally done at a 2:1 length-height ratio to achieve the required level of stability so that if the top level were to collapse, it would not fall into the bottom of the trench. The benching method requires a lot more material to be excavated than shoring, which often leads to larger labour and machine hire costs.
Battering is often used in conjunction with benching and is ‘any wall that has been built with an intentional slope’. This means that the sides are self-supporting, and the excavated slope is safe when the ground is safe. Battering requires far more material to be excavated than shoring, leading to larger labour and machine hire costs. Battering also takes up the most space, so is often not suitable for metro or residential projects.
Shielding and shoring are often seen as interchangeable terms but they are slightly different, shielding refers to a system that is put in place, often a shoring box, and acts as a safeguard against potential collapse rather than a preventative measure. This is because the system inside the trench isn’t fully expanded against the material of the excavation, it just sits within it to ‘shield’ from any debris or soil collapsing inwards.
Sheeting is another method of shoring a trench where trench sheets or sheet piles made of corrugated steel are used to make continuous overlapping walls inside an excavation. They are commonly used in large tank installations, interceptor chambers, pump stations, stormwater pits, gross pollutant traps, bore pits, and lift wells.?
Accessories such as driving caps, sheet extractors, and Excavator Mounted Vibrators (EMVs) help to make the installation and removal of the sheeting as hassle-free as possible.
Sheeting is often combined with a framing solution such as Aluminium Walers or the much heavier-duty Shore Brace 400 Hydraulic bracing system in order to secure the sheets against the excavation for maximised stability.
Vertishores, sometimes referred to as vertical shores, are a very unique shoring solution that involves using small panels connected with hydraulic struts braced directly against soil and spaced out linearly throughout the trench.?
Vertishores use a principle known as ‘soil arching’, which means they compact the soil around the vertishore panel to make the trench fully safe even without sheeting or plywood having to be used. It’s important to note that vertishores can only be used in shallow trenches, usually less than 3m deep, and in good solid soil, as they have much less capacity than something like a steel shoring box.
Launch and receive pits are referred to as a ‘trenchless solution’ and involve an alternative to a standard linearly dug trench where excavated pits are constructed and shored on either side of a project, a boring machine is then placed into the launch pit, driven underneath the road and then received in the receive pit. This method avoids having to dig a larger, longer trench and is especially beneficial when major roads or buildings can’t be dug out. Often used to install, repair, or renew underground pipes, ducts, and cables.?
The term trenchless is somewhat misleading; as trenches are used, but only at the start and end of the construction work, instead of the entire way. Shoring boxes, as well as sheet and framing, are the most common solutions used in these types of excavations due to their depth and tight working room.
The below section will cover some key shoring terms you may hear on-site and what they actually mean:
Safety should always be your number one priority on-site, especially when working around excavations, there are a number of strategies that you can implement and equipment that you can use to make sure your worksite is as safe as possible.
Our shoring products, alongside our dedicated team of engineers and technical sales team, are here to help you get the best shoring solution for any project. If you would like to find out more, get in touch with our expert team today.
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