Everything You Need to Know About Past Life Regression Therapy
Mary Lee LaBay
Hypnotherapist, past life regressionist, spiritual coach, and certification instructor. I help individuals find their purpose and live a life they love.
Past life regression therapy is a popular and growing practice among spiritual healers, psychologists, and medical practitioners alike. The trend toward seeking more alternative forms of therapy has brought great benefits to subjects who may have been unable to overcome blocks or barriers in their lifetime.
Among the emerging branches of hypnotherapy is the practice of past life regression. This is the deliberate, conscious retrieval of memories and experiences that occurred in other lifetimes. In doing so, we aim to deepen the understanding of our relationships with other people, personality traits and patterns of behavior, health issues, pain and discomfort, and much more.
In the following post, you’ll learn:
This post, Everything You Need to Know About Past Life Regression Therapy, first appeared on my blog. Read my articles for more information on hypnotherapy, past life regression, spiritual and personal development and more.
What is Past Life Regression Therapy?
The idea of immortality has always been controversial. It’s an idea that is easily traced back to indigenous tribes around the world, and in more recent public records, in Hinduism.?
According to the Hindu view of reincarnation, the soul moves from one body to another upon death. The cycle continues as the soul decides to be born repeatedly out of desire. Modern research has a contemporary view of this soul journey that is based more on actual experience and sight and less restricted by the tenets of a religion.
Past life regression therapy is a way to tap into memories from previous incarnations to bring ancient soul wisdom into the current life experience.?
Reincarnation and a Brief History of the Study of Past Life Regression
Historically, there have been very limited accounts regarding reincarnation and past life regression. The more substantial writing is that of Patanjali, a Hindu scholar. Patanjali said that the soul is always burdened by its karma.
Past life regression therapy was revived through the efforts of Madame Blavatsky, the Mother of Modern Spirituality. She is the co-founder of the Theosophical Society, and her studies re-introduced the concept in the west.?
The practice was further developed in the 1950s when credible medical practitioners began their advocacy of past life regression as an instrument to improve mental health. In 1967, Dr. Denys Kelsey was the first to use regression as a clinical therapy.
The Practice of Past Life Regression
Studies made on religious beliefs in reincarnation did not take into account nor accept the idea of repressed memories. The practice of past life regression therapy was usually done as a spiritual process and, therefore, a means to venture into the unknown.??
In clinical practice, to draw information about the subject’s past life, practitioners used hypnosis, whereby unearthed memories from a past life were brought to consciousness.?
This was very important for both the doctor and patient, as unresolved issues in past lives are believed to be significant in healing the present issues of the patient. However, with their limited range of techniques and the negative nature of the memories that were being sought, it was not always easily resolved.
Past Life Regression in the Media
In May of 2008, during an episode of her daytime talk series, Oprah Winfrey discussed past life regression with guests Dr. Oz and Dr. Brian Weiss, who had been studying past life regression therapy for many years.?
Their subject, named Jodi, sought the help of Dr. Weiss to know why she had a compulsive fear of dolls.
They described how Jodie saw her late grandfather shortly after entering a state of hypnosis, and minutes later, as she began describing what she thought was a car accident, she began to cry.?
Jodie recalled a past life memory where she had died unexpectedly, leaving her children to grow up without her. This apparently resulted in fear of dolls, which became a present life metaphor for her inability to remain in that life to raise her children.
Months later, Jodi watched an episode of Oprah featuring the Osmond family. During the show, Marie Osmond presented a doll to Oprah. Jodi commented that had it not been for her past life regression session, she would have immediately turned off the TV because of her fear of dolls. It demonstrated that with only one past life regression session, Jodi’s fears about dolls were already subsiding.
Oftentimes, merely witnessing the past life provides an adequate and useful understanding of present life responses, habits, and phobias. My practice is filled with clients who have had remarkable healings through past life regression and more efficient uses of this exploration that I’ve developed over the years.
The Controversy of Past Life Regression
Even though people believe in reincarnation and some have experienced their own recalled memories, there are still reservations that are held about the subject of past life regression.?
Activities that are a part of the subtle realms, such as unconscious memories, will never be fully explained by the physical world tests that are generally required as evidence. The only real proof is in personal experience and witnessing the resulting transformation.?
People who have decided they don’t believe will not be convinced, nor will they even apply themselves to the experience to get a balanced perspective. So be it. This is not their path.
For those on a journey of expanding consciousness, using hypnotherapy and past life regression therapy to assist in accessing the unconscious memories from another time and space is a blessing in expediting that journey.?
How Each Lifetime Fits Together
Imagine that your soul is like an enormous diamond with an infinite number of facets. Each facet represents a lifetime you have experienced. Your life, here and now, is represented by one of those facets.
If you’re only aware of that one facet, it’s as though you’re adrift in the ocean; untethered to the rest of you, detached from the majority of your soul, your energy, your Self.
As you gain awareness of the other lives you’ve had, you attain their memories, experiences, wisdom, and perspectives. As you access more and more of those facets of the soul, you encounter deep insights into patterns, lessons, talents, and purpose. Clarity unfolds.
Remembering all of who you are is fundamental to personal growth, spiritual growth, and expanding consciousness.?
Ask yourself:?
Awareness and integration of as many aspects of self as possible are vital for the most rapid advancement of soul and purpose.??
My First Past Life Regression Experience
My very first past life regression took place over four decades ago. This was the first session I did under hypnosis to explore my past lives.??
Guided into the trance state, I closed my eyes and relaxed. My mind began to gently drift away from the day-to-day issues and bustle of the modern world. Out of the dark, a picture began to form, much like a camera shutter opening. There was a flame, a torch, mounted on a wall. As the picture continued to widen and become sharper, I discovered that I was looking down a hallway lined with large, rough stones.
As I saw myself moving along this hallway, I discovered that I could look into an open doorway. I saw a group of men around a heavy wooden table, intently discussing some political matter. I knew that I had no business entering that room. I was a young girl living in my uncle’s manor in England in the 1100s.
So began my journey into discovering my past lives. This was a milestone event, one that I had eagerly awaited for years, hoping to find the right circumstances together with the appropriate person to guide me into my personal past life memories. It has been an evolving path ever since!
The Benefits of Past Life Regression Therapy
Like all heroes’ journeys, discovering our past lives can be both uncomfortable and tremendously fulfilling. The rewards of past life regression are empowering gifts that we give ourselves. These gifts are for our soul’s ever-increasing capacity to experience love and self-awareness while expressing our purpose. It’s a quest for ultimate enrichment.
Here are a few benefits that people have received after experiencing past life regression.?
These benefits are seen and unseen, known with the mind and with the heart. These benefits are of physical, spiritual, psychological, emotional, and material nature. Of course, the richest benefits will be those that are most important to you and that you seek out deliberately.
Occasionally people tell me they feel like they have so much to worry about in this life and enough baggage to handle from the present experiences that they don’t need to add to it by thinking of other lifetimes.?
In my clinical and personal experiences, I find that by exploring other lifetimes, we discover there may be experiences from the past that are at the root of the issues being presented today. At the same time, strength and perspective can be drawn from our past experiences that will lend a treasure of wisdom and knowledge that quickly resolves immediate challenges.
Why Do We Forget Our Past Lives?
If we have memories from past lives available to us, why do we forget them?
The information of our soul’s journey is not only our innate right but vital to our self-awareness and growth. We have experienced every moment of that journey. It is a record of our own life. Why would that knowledge be forbidden or inaccessible?
There are three main causes of amnesia concerning our past lives.
Life's Distractions
Children may remember a great deal of their past life information when they are very young. Yet, imagine, for a moment, what their experiences are.
While in the womb, they may be fully conscious of their past lives, their purpose, and their reasons for coming into a given life. Then comes the moment of birth, which is tremendously stressful and sometimes life-threatening for both the mother and the child.?
Once the baby emerges from the womb, there is the adjustment period—lights, cold air, learning to drink their mother’s milk, and people handling them.
From there, the child may have to put up with jealous or mean siblings, doting grandparents, and the struggle to get their thoughts, desires, and needs communicated in a world where the inhabitants are not telepathic and perhaps not even sensitive.
Fast forward through learning to operate the physical body, grabbing, sitting, standing, walking, and finally, after a long stretch of time, forming the first words that are coherent to their caretakers. By this time, much of the pre-birth knowledge and memories from a past life are locked in the recesses of the subconscious mind.
Societal Norms
Around the age of four, the child may be able to fully communicate what remains of their memories of an entirely different lifetime. The words may be ignored, or the child is patronized, being told their stories are fantasy, and that they should run along and play.
Memories of past lives recede into the shadows, locked away from the conscious mind, like acts of shame. Years later, those who are curious will struggle to regain their birthright memories and likely have to invest time and money to do so successfully.
Although most belief systems include some version of an afterlife, some cultures, and religious beliefs categorize past life memories as unreal or evil, and many people will find themselves disconnected from the past experiences that have contributed to their present selves.
Another reason why people forget the experiences of other lifetimes is the need to escape negative memories. This forgetfulness may come about due to shame, horror, regret, remorse, fear, boredom, or grief.
Everyone has painful memories. Who hasn’t had their heartbroken, lost a loved one, had a traumatic experience, or regretted something they said or did? These trying experiences are part of the human condition. Not only are they a part of our journey, but these difficult situations also serve as a measure of our character and form the tests and lessons that allow us to accelerate our growth. When we are in crisis, we tend to examine our choices and behaviors more closely, become more creative in seeking solutions, and strengthen our character in ways that do not occur during the easy times.
Yet, all too frequently, the attitude is to leave the past in the past. This implies that it is preferable to bury the memories rather than to draw them out, value the lessons they provide and build character from them.
Oftentimes, people cling to the memories of those difficult times, defining their reality and sense of life by them. Compare this mindset to someone who works out in order to build muscles. They strain and stress to create the physical shape they seek; yet, when the exercise is finished, the bodybuilder puts the weights down and simply enjoys the results.?
Contrarily, when people exercise their character through the weight of life experience, building their philosophy, sense of life, and wisdom, frequently they fail to put down the “weights”, dragging the stress and trauma around with them every moment into the future.
Through past life regression, we become aware of the impact of bearing those burdens. These unresolved traumas have been carried from their origin to the present and have resulted in unexplained pain, blocks, phobias, addictions, and other dysfunctions. By properly treating these events at the source, we are freed of their effects while still maintaining the resulting wisdom and growth.
Integrating Past Life Regression Therapy ?
The experiences gained from past life and between life exploration can be eye-opening and life-changing. You will likely walk away from the session with a new perspective of yourself and of the world.
It is valuable for you to find ways to integrate these experiences into your life in a way that is useful. You can do this in a number of ways so that your investment in yourself and the recollection of your past life memories are supported, and you continue on your exploratory journey into the future.
I often give my clients a Value System exercise, which is a valuable tool for anyone and especially those focused on self-growth and self-awareness. You can work on it at home, and then bring it to subsequent appointments to serve as a basis of a dialogue about your progress.
Other homework suggestions for integration include journaling, meditation, and creative visualization.
How to Choos a Good Past Life Regressionist
In?choosing a past life regressionist, there are a few factors to consider. Do they make you feel comfortable? Are you able to establish good rapport? Is their style client-centered?
While many people provide past life regression services, they may not be the best person for your goals.
Here are three things you will want to be sure to avoid when you are working with a regressionist:
The regressionist’s main function is to keep you moving through the experience, to be supportive in the case of abreaction (an emotionally charged event), and to help you process the information so that it’s integrated in a positive manner and be useful to you in this life.
While there are many excellent past life regressionists available to assist you during your journey through your memories, you want to be proactive in choosing the right one for you. If you would like to work with me directly, please?book a complimentary Discovery Call.
In Closing
Whether your goal is to work?one-on-one with a past life regressionist, or to?integrate past life regression into your career path, choices are available to you.
Now that you have deeper insight into past life regression and what it can do for you or your clients, I trust you will take a more serious look at your own memories and how you can integrate them into your life for greater ease, self-awareness, and spiritual growth. If you still have questions about past life regression, please feel free to post them below or email me on [email protected].