Everything you need to know about the LinkedIn algorithm - 2021
Hello Folks, If you know me, you’ll know that I’m not one of those LinkedIn coaches who bang on about the LinkedIn algorithm all the time.
?In fact, this is probably one of the geekiest article you’re ever going to receive from me so bear with me - I have your best interest at heart!
?The LinkedIn Algorithm Report 2021 has just been released and the findings are both interesting and important for me to share with you.
?The 44-page report gives an in-depth analysis of different LinkedIn data and trends to give us a guideline on best practices for using LinkedIn.
?Below I’ve highlighted some of the more interesting aspects that you might want to think about when you’re executing your strategy on LinkedIn
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?? 20% less reach on average for all (!) LinkedIn members
?? Sweet Spot for Hashtags back to 3 - 5
?? All 8 Ingredients to Top the LinkedIn Searches
?? Creator Mode does ?????? increase reach or engagement
?? Put your external links directly in the original post!
?? All stats and ingredients to rock Video on LinkedIn
?? Why LinkedIn Live is a very good idea (reach/engagement)
?? 4,9% of all LinkedIn members is publishing content
?? 64% of all members reads without engaging (Like, Comment)
?? Optimal Post Length 1.470 characters, less than 10 emoji's
?? Don't be the first to comment on your own Post
?? Comments in less than 5 words? Less impact on reach
?? Never "edit" your post in the first hour
?? The original content creator profits from "Shares" (!)
?? 4 Tips to trigger the Algorithm to include someone in your feed
?? Mobile and Desktop version have distinctive algorithms
?? Best frequency to post content on Company Page = 4 a week
?? 10 comments a week from the Company Page = + 15% reach
?? Personal Content is king in reach and engagement
?? 3rd party scheduling results into a minor drop in reach
?????????? ?????? ????????????????
?? 5.600 posts
?? 600 hours of research
?? +30.000 print screens
?? tools used:?SHIELD,?Sprout Social, Inc.,?Hootsuite
SOUCRE CREDIT : Richard Van Der Blom
As there’s quite a lot to cover, I’m going to split this across two articles , so you’ll get part 1 today and the second part on Monday.
The LinkedIn Algorithm Report 2021 (Part 1)
All members have lost about 20% reach on average this year compared to last year (I know, I certainly have!).
There seems to be no obvious explanation to this, according to Richard and his team, but my conspiracy theory is that LinkedIn is slowly shifting in the direction of the likes of Facebook where you have to “pay to play” – in other words, they’ll soon want us all taking out ads.
Another more immediate reason for the engagement drop is likely the fact that there are now more people creating content on LinkedIn so each creator has a smaller slice of the pie, so to speak, when it comes to?organic reach.
You now need 40% more engagement to reach the same level of views you got to last year (views are counted when content shows up on a person’s timeline for a post, when at least three seconds of a video is watched, and when an article is clicked).
The algorithm only shows between 8-15% of your network’s content in your feed. The best way to make sure you see the content of your favourite LinkedIn person is to bookmark their profile and visit it daily (or as often as you plan to).
The next best way is to engage with them regularly in various ways (on their posts, DMs etc) - this signals to the algorithm that they should prioritise this person on your feed.
Creator Mode (CM) - the “exciting” feature LinkedIn launched a few months ago with the promise of increasing your engagement as a creator - apparently has no real advantage. However, if you use the hashtags in your CM profile in your posts, your reach can increase by up to 40%.
According to the report, the best times to post on LinkedIn are 8am-10am. The best days are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Saturdays work particularly well because 60% of LinkedIn users check LinkedIn on a Saturday, but only 20% post.
I would take this particular part of the research with a pinch of reality salt. Consistency in posting beats trying to play to the algorithm. Consider the algorithm, yes, but plan to post on days and times that you can commit to that fit in with your life. That's the only way you're going to be able to sustain it in the long run, when it counts.
There’s more interesting results to share with you from the LinkedIn Algorithm Report around engagement, post content and post reach, but I’ll hold off on that until Thursday to give you some time to digest what we’ve covered here so far.
Has any of this been an eye-opener to you? Please comment
Ways to work with me
If you're struggling to communicate the right message on your LinkedIn profile, you can make use of my done-for-you LinkedIn profile makeover service.https://www.gskumar.com/business-linkedIn-profilewriting