Everything You Need To Know About Financial Data Intelligence
Welcome to The ReMX! Your go-to source for new MX insights, research, and news on all things fintech and finance. Here's our April round up:
Financial Data Intelligence 101
The majority of financial institutions and fintechs don’t have a good way to unlock the value of consumer financial data to drive better business and consumer outcomes. That’s where financial data intelligence can make the difference. Learn more about how financial data intelligence works, key definitions, and benefits.
How Financial Providers Leverage Consumer-Permissioned Financial Data Today
New commissioned research from Forrester Consulting shows 62% of data strategy leaders say their organization still largely uses data the same way they always have. Financial institutions recognize this challenge and have significant opportunities to do more with consumer-permissioned financial data.
Read more about The Good, Bad, and Opportunities in How Financial Institutions Leverage Consumer Financial Data.
Unlocking Growth Opportunities with Financial Data
80% of North American data leaders agree being able to utilize consumer financial data effectively would be a significant competitive advantage for them. Learn more about how financial data can drive growth — Unlocking Actionable Intelligence: Key Takeaways from Forrester Opportunity Snapshot.