Everything You Know About Work Is Scam?
Maybe schools aren’t interested in independent thinkers who challenge status quo?
Maybe schools are designed to prepare us to be cogs in capitalistic machine, where we are compliant, exploited workers?
Think about it…
Classrooms are fear-based test-based institutions, that want everyone to be like everyone else. They don’t want people to stand out.
The system is screwed, because the world doesn’t need compliant workers any more.
The capitalistic system is falling apart, because factory workers are easily replaceable with machines and customers crave the unique, the remarkable, the human.
The world needs artistic leaders, who can see the reality of today and describe a better tomorrow.
But leadership is NOT taught at schools. And that’s the problem.
We need a reform.
I’ve written a 1800 word article explaining my thought process, if anyone is interested in exploring it further: Everything You Know About Work Is A Scam | Lucky Attitude
About me:
I consult and speak internationally about Millennials, future of work and new age marketing.
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