Everything in This World is Trying to Kill You
Politics. Lifestyles. Disease. Environment. The Economy. Violence. Crime. War. People. The visible and invisible. Actions and words. Narcissism. Ego.
In a world being obscured by consumerism and social media algorithms, it's easy to feel lost.
Someone said, "Being born is a death sentence."
That's a pretty bleak outlook.
“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” -- Mark Twain. Ah, ever the optimist.
Is everything really trying to kill us, though? Are we not complicit? Do we not choose our politics, lifestyle, where we live, who we associate with? Do we not tolerate narcissism and ego from others? Are we not solely responsible for swirling down into hurts, bad habits, and hangups?
Nietzsche is often misunderstood when he said, “God is dead.” He wasn't calling out the non-existence of a higher power. Rather, he was expressing the loss of the belief in a power greater than us throughout Western Civilization.
John, 16:33 NIV, says, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John is saying, if you lack a solid foundation in something bigger than you, you're prone to drift into hopelessness and depression in what often looks like a cruel, bent-on-evil world. But you don't have to.
There are obvious signs people today--young people--are striving for a closer relationship with their Higher Power, however they define it.
There are less obvious, but equally important venues that demonstrate a return to spiritual growth and understanding:
So, while it may, at first blush, look like everything is trying to kill you, well, that's just not the case. Richard Rohr, well-known Franciscan Priest says it this way:
"We suffer to get well. We surrender to win. We die to live. We give it away to keep it."