Everything truly matters in life

If you really think obesity used to be a sure sign of extra wealth. Now it’s a symbol of poverty; both material, mental & physical. Always take time to give “thank” ; be it prayer, reflection or to others. Just do it. And feel the results, later, expressing anger with a woman is a sign of weakness. It’s a defensive posture, which means that you’ve exhausted more sophisticated coping strategies . You’ve opted for one which reveals that which she can use in the future to make you lose your composure & your frame ,

Clear your mind of what you “can't” do . Focus solely on what you “can” , because money is like food. It’s absolutely everything for the starving . But those with choice & abundance rarely think about it at all. Just a mandatory transaction to stave off hunger now & again , & back to normal life, respect yourself enough to say “ I deserve peace “ , as it is important to visualize what you wish to accomplish. It is also essential that you put that vision into action. It’s great to know precisely where you plan to go. Yet for that plan to be of any real value, you must act on it with commitment & persistence.

Successful action is more than just a once-in-a-while effort. The actions that bring about the most value are the actions that are fully integrated into every moment of life. Real success is more than a method or a technique. Real success comes from who and what you most consistently and authentically are. Every corner of your world, every moment of your time, every person and pursuit and passion in your life all matter. The time you spend playing has just as much influence as the time you spend working, for it all affects the whole person you are.

Seek to integrate positive purpose into everything you are, and into all that you touch. Live as though everything matters, and you’ll bring magnificent achievements to life. Food/Water matters simply, unless you’re on a hunger strike or dry fast, if you don’t eat or drink water for 8 to 21 days, you’ll starve to death. Health matter because it is your greatest wealth without which you’re truly poor. People who sell their kidneys for money are either stupid, crazy or ignorant of the fact that you don’t really need money to exist. You need a healthy body.

Income matters whether you’re a white-collar high income-earner living in Manhattan, New York, or a peasant farmer living in Bangladesh, you need an income to survive in the modern world. If you lose an income, you lose momentum and the power to live, and you’ll soon find yourself living under a bridge. Education matters because whether you acquire it from school or self-educate yourself at home, you need an education to get enlightened about the world and how it works. Without an education, you’re just groping in the dark like a headless duck. Functional Brain matters because everybody has a brain, but not every brain is functional. To get your brain functional, you must train it. This is crucial because we only use 10% of our brains in our entire lifetime, and even that is not enough. Now, imagine a person who has never trained his/her brain to use even 1%. That’s what’s known as tragedy.

Environment of course matters. Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Jonas Salk, who developed the polio vaccine, once said that if you kill all the insects, pests, and all micro-organisms, the human race will not survive for another 50 years. On the other hand, if you eliminate the human race from the face of the earth, the planet with all its environment will recover. That makes the environment something very important. For some of you Life is like a teacher right ! As life has been teaching you many lessons.

Now, I will tell you guys what's the definition of life for me. For me life is like a game, Every stage of life is like a level of a game. Whenever we win a game our level goes up, in the same way when we move forward in life, as we grow up, our age define as the new level. Infant to Child stage : It's an easy level in a way, because we don't have to face many difficulties and even we used to have lifeline in a game , in real life our parents play that lifeline role.

Now comes, Teen stage : It's the medium level of game, that is the age where everything starts, the rules change and somehow we manage to live or survive this level. At last, Adult stage : Now this stage for me is the hard level , Now no one will guide you in each step you take, there are no rules you are the one who makes rules ,you live by your own standards. You yourself will be responsible for the wrong step you take. Cheers!


