Everything that touches us
Light refracted and infused with life cascades through the prism of our being, painting intricate colors on the canvas of our sleeve-worn hearts. Each hue a story, each shade a memory etched in the tapestry of our souls. Nothing is immune from the tender caress of the universe, for everything whispers a tale that resonates within us.
From the quiet solitude of a just-ended summer rain to the cacophony of a city wide awake, we find ourselves mirrored in the myriad facets of life's symphony. Every heartbeat, every breath, every birth, and every passing—each a thread that weaves us into the fabric of existence. In the ebb and flow of life's eternal tide, we are but reflections of the same cosmic essence, intertwined in a dance as old as time itself.
With each loss, we mourn; with each new beginning, we rejoice. The cycle of life and death, joy and sorrow, binds us together in a tapestry of shared experiences. We are not solitary beings adrift in the vast expanse of the universe; we are interconnected, interwoven, inseparable from the grand design of creation.
In the depths of our souls, we find echoes of each other, resonating in the silent spaces between heartbeats. You and I, we are but fragments of a larger whole, pieces of a puzzle seeking unity in the mosaic of existence. There is everything that touches us, for we are vessels of light, vessels of life, vessels of love.
In the intricate dance of existence, we are but fleeting shadows cast against the backdrop of eternity. And yet, in our impermanence, we find solace in the knowledge that we are part of something greater, something infinite. For in the end, there is everything that touches me, there is everything in me, and in this shared journey of life, there is everything that touches us.
Copyright ? Beatriz Esmer