The everything token book review

The everything token book review

I have been waiting for this book for a long time. And I find it great. There are a lot of insights. Of course I think this book is more for for web3 newcomers.

But there is a big part of a book missing for me. It’s about legal. I think talking about NFT, and having one small chapter on regulation is just not enough for such kind of book.

Authors say that regulation is not obvious. But there is a secret, that can make it very straightforward. NFT is a paper of digital world. So there is no uncertainty. The nature of the documents fully depends of what’s written there. Maybe one of the most interesting parts that NFT creates combination of different documents. Your share may look as a piece of art, or your gym-membership ticket might allow you to bet on sport. Bu it doesn’t create a huge complexity. You just need to follow the highest legal standards of all documents that rise from an NFT nature.

Imagine that there is no paper and you are reading this text on a wall of our cave. In your imagination, try pitching a paper to chief of a tribe. Actually you can use all of the same words and the same narrative. The everything paper! Because all magic that terms NFT from a simple .jpeg to title or loyalty token - is law. And this is the same that turns blank shit into security contract or piece of art. People in web3 are too afraid of legal. I agree that NFT is huge. But without illegal, it will remain only a JPEG file.

Engineers were left behind for a long time. Now engineers rule and lawyers feel left behind. Despite it might look like I’m disappointed with the book I’m not. I think it’s a very important topic. Hope there will be a second book about legal. And one more idea for this new book: for everything token you one needs an everything wallet.

Steve Kaczynski would be glad to share my ideas with you!


