Is everything we see on the news truthful, or is it just a projection of an orchestrated truth? Why is 6 Global Corporations controlling over 90 percent of the publilshed Main Stream Media censoring alternative media access to social media platforms publishing their investigations of the Capitol events? Plublic media is not funded by large corporations and are not told what to report. Corporate news media recieve their edited news from one sorce that is to reflect every station reporting the same censored media pre scripted for broadcastes and anchor spokepeople to recite. All the commentaries are all precripted so every channel will produce the same propaganda to watch and be Gaslighted.
Independent media does not have corporate funding and rely soley on Social Media platforms like You Tube scribers to donate to their reporting. As Independent News is growing at a fast pace challenging Corporate America truth reporting, These six corporations are shutting down alternative media by removing their funding and creating a Symbolic Fact Check system to block exposing their fraud in reporting truthful news! A example is the TRUTH Behind The Capitol Riots reported by "We The People News"