Is everything really fair in love and war?
Farwa Aamir Naqvi
HRBP |Training and Development | People Operations | Employee Experience
Different people have different views on this topic. Love is a feeling and war is a situation where a person can do anything and they are not answerable to anyone. They give their everything to it, all their zeal and zest.
They say being in love changes a person completely, from being a king to a pauper. And one can take any step while in love. They can run away from their homes, suicide or even murder. In war, any step taken against your enemy is acceptable for those who support the topic. Being brutal with one’s foes, killing their families, destroying their cities and ruining their lives is all a part of war.
Whereas I believe that saying “Everything is fair in love and way” is just a myth. Because if this was actually real, then killing soldiers on enemy lines, whose wives and off springs are waiting back home would have been totally correct. Killing innocent people and infants would have been justified. Destroying hospitals, orphanages, old homes, schools and residential areas would have been allowed.
Moreover, in love, men who fling acid on their lovers face would have been respected. People who force their wives and daughters to hide themselves in their homes or under thick sheets would have also been encouraged. Harassing a loved one would not have been a crime. Putting restrictions on others would have been preferred.
I will conclude this by asking all of you if this statement actually fair? Ask yourself! Ask your heart!
Is everything really fair in love and war?