Is everything real or an illusion (Maya)

Is everything real or an illusion (Maya)

Experience is Truth. The objects in the experience are illusion. Experience (of dream) is truth. Objects in the dream are illusion. Consciousness experiences the world. Consciousness is the absolute truth. Consciousness is the only truth. Truth is Everything but Everything is not Truth. The Appearance is not the Truth but the Truth is in the Appearance. Appearance and Truth are one and the same. Before you give this as a conclusion it is manifestly not the Truth and will never be the Truth. Complicated? Contradictory? It is a complicated lie, an illusion. It is a contradictory lie, an illusion. The truth is that it is never complicated and never contradictory.

When a person understands, he can say that the appearing is the Truth because without the Truth the appearing cannot exist. There is no Samskara without Nirvana. There is no world without Consciousness. Everything is Consciousness, Truth, God, Absolute, Brahman. And all these are just the names of Reality that describe what is, but they are not. Everything in this world is real!!!! Maya is not the world it self, maya is how you perceive the reality.

Mr.X and Mr.Y eat durian fruit.. Mr.x eat is real Mr.y eat is real too.. The durian fruit they eat is real too!! Everything is real right? Well the subjective perception they experience.. That is maya.. Both eat the same fruit.. For Mr.X it is heavenly experience.. But for Mr.Y it is a torturing and full of suffering moment, because he cant stand the smell of durian fruit. That subjective experience that we call maya is not actually an illusion.. Those experience are real for both Mr.X and Mr.Y!! I have partial color blindness.. The Color that i perceive from my eyes are different from what you see from your eyes..

This difference experience is maya.. We both see the same red color, But perceive differently.. This maya is not an illusion, for me what i see is as real as what you see. You cannot say that you see the true red because you don't have color blind, because our eyes only perceive a very small spectrum of light.. There are lot of thing that our eyes cannot perceive. Maya, is an illusion, when you don't have awareness about this subjective experience.. You treat, act, think just as like as the subjective perception experience like the objective truth. When we aware about our own perception limitation, maya become the truth!

What separate entertainment magician and spiritual scammer guru is the fact we are aware that magician using trick. Everything is the truth.. The reality is truth.. Even maya is truth.. Maybe the only illusion is the “I”. “Everything in this world” is the truth. And anything beyond this world. Maya refers to the abstractive tendency to hold things as if they existed objectively in their own right. Maya is entanglement with mind. The truth is whatever lies beyond the mind: drop all thinking for a sec, and you will see the full blossoming of what is referred to by nondual teachings. Once this is grasped, there remains no such thing as Maya.

At the very least, it points directly at That in which this ‘you’ seeks. Find That which is Aware of the ‘you’ and direct experience will give an answer which is prior to all. If any words are formed in this process. Go deeper, trace the source. Get prior to any process, prior to any word, prior to any quality. If you want to know truth you must give up the you and only truth will remain. Is the world you believe yourself to be in… not actually within you? What in you is Aware of this ‘you’ and also Aware of this world? Understand the ‘you’ as the dog chasing its tail. Don’t try to get at it with the ‘you’ rather, do so with That which is prior.

From within what is Aware of this ‘you?’ Sit here, in this presence. Abide in That which is prior to the ‘you.’ From here all will be revealed. Maya is the illusion of separation and otherness. Maya is the illusion of separate things in this world. The world and form are not the illusion. The truth is simply what-is. World and form are…that is what-is. Life is a theater stage. The outer world is a projection, created for us to experience life in 3D physicality. Our focus on the stage play of life allows us to make choices and learn from our experience of the results if those choices. The purpose is to rise in consciousness back toward the inner world of the real.

Let’s substitute the word “truth” with “reality.” There is no truth in the world, in that sense. Nothing lasting or absolute. Everything that can be known or experienced is just an idea or experience. It’s fleeting. But what is there regardless of whatever idea or experience? What is there in high and low and is in spite of both? What is before coming and after going? It can’t be said what reality is. Anything I say will at best be a description of the nature of reality - and not reality itself.

Reality cannot be grasped (known) and then given to another. It’s all there is, so how do you hold it and how do you give it? The “problem” begins with the idea that some idea or experience is truth/reality and another is not. Reality is expressing itself as ideas and experiences, but no idea or experience is reality or holds reality. Reality is all ideas and experiences and holds them all, but is defined by none. If we use the word truth instead of reality in this regard, then you could say truth is expressing itself in lies. Any statement of the truth is not the truth.

Again, it’s at best a description or a pointer - but not truth itself. You cannot find it or grasp it - because there was never anything else. Reality/truth already is the case, and you will not find it in time, in the flow of life, in experiences, in your next spiritual idea… It is already truth/reality expressing as that. Everything that tries to claim it is truth or reality is already too late. Already after the fact. But what is the fact? No one can say. Unknowable. You can only know what it plays or shows up as (ideas and experiences, perceptions, etc) - but reality itself remains undefined and free, unpinnable.

Everything in this world is energy. This energy when it is projected, becomes matter. Molecules of matter. Everything is energy. This energy is SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power. Even science has agreed that everything in this world, all the five elements of nature are ultimately made up of energy. A particle of matter can be transmuted into energy, energy can be converted into matter. Unfortunately, we do not realize this because this can't be explained in words, it has to be experienced as an intuitive realization, that everything in this world is that one reality of SIP, the Supreme Immortal power. It’s an illusion, everything is an illusion, it appears to be but it is not. Cheers!


