Everything Passes

Everything Passes

This planet is a large system composed of subsystems, which in turn are made up of interconnected elements, which, with everything inter-connected and in constant change, cause instability.

Similarly, calm is a sign of transformation. A storm is also a sign of transformation. Good and bad times pass. Everything passes. So we must live the journey without clinging to anything. We should only cling to the one thing that we really have, which is the present moment, the now, without expectations, without wanting to be predictable, without wanting to be who we are not.

With this understanding, it would be good if in some respects we were like irrational animals, whose brain has not developed the pre-frontal cortex, itself equivalent to the conscious mind, which gives meaning to things and which opens the door for many of our illnesses that originate from our perceptions of an unreal reality, itself built through the lens of our stories told according to beliefs and values burdened by emotions long stored in our subconscious.

It is like the zebra which, after being chased by a lion in the savannah and almost killed, does not bear it a grudge after managing to escape. But rather goes on with her life, free of this memory and does not develop any disease afterwards.

However, the evolutionary heritage of billions of years of the limbic and pre-frontal brains of the human being, that is to say, what followed the reptilian brain, did not have all this advantage, as many of our illnesses, such as cancer, stem from our emotions.

So it is best to just forget bad experiences like the zebra, to not give a damn about your childhood and other traumas. Rather just reformulate them. Often it is necessary to recognise them so as to identify what is causing your present-day illnesses.

The secret of life is not giving things so much meaning. Even because the energy flows to where the attention is. The human being is transformed and attracts to himself what he thinks.


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