It's Just A Choice
If You Want Happiness For A Lifetime Help Others - Amy Elizabeth

It's Just A Choice

Everyday life and stress

With the stresses of everyday life, we can feel overwhelmed and even suffer with

symptoms of depression. But there are things you can do to boost your mood naturally

so that you get more out of your day, feel lighter, and reduce stress.

Boost your mood naturally

● Exercise releases endorphins (feel-good chemicals) which lift our mood and act

as a natural antidepressant. It is the number one way to naturally boost your


● Studies have shown that you can feel the benefits of exercise in as little as five

minutes! We can spend time outside in nature.

● Getting into the outdoors, especially around trees, is said to lift your mood.

● Moreover playing with animals or if you own a pet provides an instant boost to

the mood by releasing oxytocins and serotonins.

● Spending quality time with a strong social support network is vital to

psychological health.

● Reading a good book, journaling and meditation is vital.

● Chatting with friends can help you feel better, boost self-confidence, provide you

with a source of accountability, and support you in making positive changes in

your life.

● Plus, laughter with friends is the best medicine!

Find your flow to start the day

Always make time for breakfast- get up earlier and go to bed earlier if needs be. Start

the day as you mean to go on (I usually start my days with positive daily affirmations).

Exercise in the a.m if possible to set you up for the day ahead. Always plan ahead (with

exercise, mindfulness activities and meal planning) Schedule a time to focus on you,

(even this means just having time to sit and planahead for the week). Get your week off

to a positive start! And we have LIFT OFF! (I plan on Sundays for the most effective

results for the week ahead).

Food and your mood

Protein consumption tofu, beans, eggs and unsweetened yogurt) has been linked to

higher levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, which are brain chemicals that play a

role in our mood, motivation and concentration.

Nuts and seeds are high in plant-based proteins, healthy fats, and fiber. Additionally,

they provide tryptophan, an amino acid responsible for producing mood-boosting

serotonin. Almonds, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts, as well as pumpkin, sesame, and

sunflower seeds, are excellent sources. Eating dark chocolate can also have a positive effect

on mood due to its flavanols, which convert chemicals into the natural mood stabiliser

serotonin. It also contains theobromine, which reduces anxiety and provides energy.

Regular intake of vitamins and minerals are of course essential too.

Foods to avoid

Avoid alcohol - it dehydrates you, it’s a depressant and puts the liver under strain!

Reduce (or cut) caffeine - it acts as a stimulant and stresses the adrenals which in turn

affects your neurotransmitters. It can trigger migraines and can also increase anxiety

levels too. Opt for decaf if you are finding it hard to completely cut it out or better still, opt

for a naturally derived caffeine fizz stick found at (also

contains essential B vitamins and comes in a variety of flavors including citrus,

pomegranate, strawberry and lemon and lime). Eliminate or limit wheat, gluten and dairy

sources. Cut/reduce sugar and refined substitutes. Remember YOU are WHAT you


For further help with mindfulness, health, journaling and well-being do check out my books on Amazon via my author page:

My best books to help you here are Pure Confidence, The Positivity Journal and Nutri-Mind By Amy Elizabeth

Full Links Here To Further Help & Support

All my love, light and healing energy, Amy Elizabeth x

P.S. You can grab a FREE snippet of Nutri-Mind Here! The best things in life are free right!

If You Want Happiness For A Lifetime Help Others"


