"Everything has changed in job searching. There is a lot less human interface."
Mark Bartz
What's your job search plan? We will help you land the right role in Medical - BioPharma sales. [email protected]
Success Stories are from our candidates as they landed new roles. I wish I could capture the excitement in their voices. . . we live in a world where we are bombarded by negative things and life can feel overwhelming - these stories ground you in the reality that, yes, you can achieve your goals. And that consistency and mentoring are great tools to achieve your goals.
MSM = Medical Sales Mentors KJ = our candidate (now our new trust agent).
MSM: Tell me about the job you landed.
KJ: It's a regional development sales manager role – mid- Atlantic region, for a novel spine implant company.
MSM: How did you find the role?
KJ: Thru a friend and an industry colleague I knew from previous companies. He was actually the hiring director. We were friends – we stayed in touch – we were catching up towards the end of last year. He had just taken a role in the fall last year – then I called him to catch up and provide me with a reference on LinkedIn!!!! (one of many tactics we use in our job search program, NetOUT). I wanted a more clinical role in medical devices.
MSM: Was the role advertised?
KJ: Yes. He had already interviewed two-to-three other candidates. He didn't like what he was seeing.
MSM: How many interviews did you go on with this company?
KJ: About three. One phone screen, one face-to-face with the hiring director, and a final one with the sales VP.
MSM: Talk to me about the discouraging days.
KJ: I remember one recruiter – he had a job where I was a great fit, something I was excited about . But the recruiter told me, "Look, I’m gonna be honest, the number of jobs you’ve had is a problem; the person vacating this role was there 10 years!" So I faced an issue with ‘job hopping’. I went on LinkedIN and drilled down on the company and found about five or six other managers who had comparable ‘job-hopping’ tenure to my own. I shared that with the recruiter, but it didn't have any impact! That was discouraging.
MSM: I want to share something with our readers: our candidates often read too much into an isolated event like that. I remind them to keep things in context. Stay on their job search plan - it's easy to want to alter your plan and overthink things due to isolated events like that.
KJ: Yes – I can see that now. I didn't then.
MSM: I think the biggest struggle in job searching is psychological. It's like playing a game you thought you were familiar with, but all the rules have changed - and no one tells you until you are well into the game!
KJ: That's a good analogy - it did feel that way.
MSM: So what surprises did you have in your job search?
KJ: The handful of jobs that I applied via myself (not thru trust agents); no response!; that was surprising. Good credentials used to be enough the last time I job searched. Everything has changed in job searching. There is a lot less human interface.
MSM: I tried calling my bank the other day. It took me 15 minutes to speak with a real person! I think companies need to get their act together on the human interface elements of job searching or they will lose great talent. What's your advice to job seekers?
KJ: Don’t give up, keep your head up, stay positive and move forward; it will happen. A well laid out plan and execution of the plan and it will happen. It’s easy to get off your plan; consistency is everything – follow your plan; that’s what we did – do what you need to do each day and chill out.
MSM: Does your new employer have an employee referral program?
KJ: Not sure, I don’t know.
MSM: Now I’m honored to ask you this question: would you like to be a trust agent of ours?
KJ: Yes.
MSM: Thanks – for those not familiar – our trust agents help us help our new customers land roles at their new employer. This is one way we get around the "age-bias" issue: our trust agents are living proof the employer is wise enough to hire experienced sales veterans. You become part of our one-of-a-kind “Pay it Forward Team” helping our new candidates land their desired roles at your new employer. I feel like I missing something - anything else we need to cover?
KJ: Stay close your strongest relationships. It’s often not “who you know” but “who they know” – those closest relationships often guide you to invaluable relationships, which can make all the difference in the world.
MSM: KJ – I can hear the excitement in your voice. You sound like you are stunned!
KJ: (LOL) Yes, I guess I am – this hasn’t sunk in yet. I'm very blessed here and thankful.
MSM: Did you tell your wife yet?
KJ: Oh yes, she’s the first one I called!
MSM: Another chapter in your lives together!
KJ: Oh yes.
Note to reader: we made you ultra-competitive in your job search, by addressing every single element of how you package and promote yourself in your job search. We specialize in helping "experienced" sales reps who are looking at the last 15 years of their careers. There is no comparable service to ours. We've been in business 23 years. Check us out: www.MedicalSalesMentors.com And, yes, you can talk to any of our trust agents – you will be encouraged by their stories. My e-mail: [email protected]