Everything has a Beauty even a Babe born in a Barn.
As Christmas gets closer I think about the beautiful gift we were given long ago.
It didn't come as a jewel or smell like expensive incents, it didn't have velvet or silk. No bows or ribbons, no trimming or treats, announcements were few, even though he was a King.
So many have asked why, if he is truly a King was he not born in a better place? I don't have all the answer and I don't read minds but this ones not hard to understand.
He came to save, he came to pave the road for all of mankind. Not just the rich or ones in power, but all of us dirty dark sinners alike.
He came for us to make our lives whole he came so our insides could shine brightly. We can not earn it, we can not pay, it is a gift given freely for all that have ever gone astray.
Now I don't know about you, but I'm less than deserving. My life isn't perfect nor am I guilt free. I grew up poor, I'm a sinner by trait, but that beautiful gift is still mine just the same.
It's free, but wasn't cheap, no a great price was paid and I'll be forever grateful he was born in just that way.
God made the point we all are his, whether born in a stable or house or mansion. Not one is left out nor ever turned away, because Christ was our gift born in a stable that day.
From a barn to a throne, from poor to rich have a beautiful Christmas and except this free perfect gift.
Merry Christmas- #HeatherEarles