Everything Happens for a Reason ….But does it though?
Why Things Happen For a Reason
Does everything happen for a reason in life?
Yes, everything does happen for a reason in life. Everything. We might not realize it. But it does. And they do. However, there are reasons why I feel that everything happens for a reason in life.
?It is something that is hard to grasp or believe in the midst of a break up, but it could not be truer. Think of the phrase, "People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."
It is the idea that no matter how good, or how painful a role they played, they taught us something, something that will reveal itself to us at some point. This goes hand in hand with the concept of everything happening for a reason. While there may be unpleasant lessons that happen through break-ups, they are lessons nonetheless.
We have to be open to the pain and difficulty, to be truly open to what it is we are supposed to gain from an experience. It can be difficult at times, to think in terms of everything happening for a reason, but it can also be helpful.
At times when we are going through a particularly difficult time, such as after a split, it can be very comforting to think that there is a purpose to this, and there will be a use for what I am going through this very moment.
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Thank you?….If you’re suffering through a tragedy right now, then my heart goes out to you. I know the feeling of despair all too well. Maybe I’m just an extremely sensitive person, but it affects me deeply.
Yet, then again, failure and tragedy affects everyone. It might impact us differently, but at the end of the day, it does impact us.
But there’s a reason why those things happen to you. Failure and tragedy are by design. They are part of nature’s chisel, chipping away at us in an attempt to improve our lives. However, it doesn’t happen by sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself. You have to turn that mess into a message. You might not realize it today, but there is a grand design.
When I walked away from that business, there was one thing going through my mind. All I could think about was the fact that human beings were meant to thrive, not just survive. I was living in survival mode. Mentally and emotionally and even spiritually, I was on survival autopilot. I was trying to survive the emotions that had engulfed me and altered my perspective.
But I realized that this experience and this situation was meant for me to thrive. And thrive I have. It’s funny how things can really alter your trajectory if you embrace them rather than run from them.
Do you want to add a word or two?....
I was put here for a reason. I was meant to help others realize the utility in their failures and not to run from them. Sure, there are other reasons for my existence, but that’s certainly one of the cornerstones.
What had happened to me was that I was getting further and further away from helping others. I was so immersed in my own?sh*t?that I couldn’t see the proverbial forest through the trees. But since that experience, some extraordinary things have happened to me.
For a long time, I had ignored networking and building deep and lasting relationships with people. Yes, everything does happen for a reason in life. Everything. We might not realize it. But it does. And they do. However, there are reasons why I feel that everything happens for a reason in life. These reasons are fundamental to our greater understanding of the meaning of our lives. No, I’m not trying to get existential on you here. I’m being serious.
Your Comments…
Do you believe that there are no coincidences in life?
Everything happens for a reason. Every person we meet have a roll in our life, either it is big or small. Some will hurt, betray and make us cry. Some will teach us lesson, not to change us, but to make us to be a better person.
So what do we mean when we say "everything happens for a reason"?
Do we mean we mean efficient or final cause?
If we mean there's an efficient cause reason for everything, then all the saying means is that every behavior is a consequence of actions that preceded it. It's like saying "cause and effect rules."
Coincidences happen. What makes one coincidence “good” and another one “bad”?
?For example, a person meets that special someone through amazing synchronicity, and the relationship begins to flourish. Then it ends. Was the synchronicity good or bad?
This question can only be answered by the person because the person puts the values on the outcome.
What does the person choose: "It’s better to have loved and lost than never having love at all” or “the break-up smashed the beautiful future I saw for us"?
If we mean everything happens for a final cause reason, then every behavior serves some objective, goal or purpose. That's more profound perhaps but it opens a worm-can of wonder.
Good purposes?
?Bad purposes?
Whose purposes?
?And what are you supposed to do about it since your behavior too, whatever it may be, happens for a reason.
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Or how about "Shit happens"?
That's definitely an appeal to efficient cause. Some ways to say "surrender" are appeals to final causes or higher purposes; some to efficient causes or natural laws, and some are ambiguous.
"It's Karma" can mean that a particular behavior is rewarded or punished depending on its contribution higher purpose and final cause.
Or it can simply mean that a particular behavior is the cause and effect consequence of what preceded it.
Time also plays a role. Perhaps a woman is deciding whether or not to accept the marriage proposal of the person she loves. Her parents are advising against it. As she sits in the car with her possible fiancé, the song that both she and her deceased grandmother loved comes on the radio.
The synchronicity encourages her to believe that her grandmother approves of the relationship. They get married. Joy! They have children! Joy! Then she discovers that her partner is having affairs. Despair.
When does she decide the outcome of the synchronicity is good or bad?
When she gets married?
When they have children?
Or when she finds out about the affairs?
Where on the timeline she decides to make a judgment, influences how she evaluates the outcome.
Believing that the hidden purpose of a coincidence is an all-good future, encourages hope but perhaps also excessive positivity.
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Managing Director at DAYALIZE
2 年It is something that is hard to grasp or believe in the midst of it, but it could not be more true. Think of the phrase, “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” It is the idea that no matter how good, or how painful a role they played, they taught us something, something that will reveal itself to us at some point.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
2 年It's natural that we would collect and share sayings that mean surrender. There are others: "It's God's will," for example--that's definitely an appeal to a final cause. Or how about "Shit happens"? That's definitely an appeal to efficient cause. Some ways to say "surrender" are appeals to final causes or higher purposes; some to efficient causes or natural laws, and some are ambiguous. Does everything happen for a reason in life? Yes, everything does happen for a reason in life. Everything. We might not realize it. But it does. And they do. ? The truth is that tough times never last. But tough people do. And the scars that we receive in life will remind of us where we’ve been, but they don’t necessarily need to dictate where we will go. Don’t wallow too far in misery. Lift yourself up. Find the beauty in the simple things in life because that’s what’s important sometimes. Ultimately, you understand that not everything is in your control, nor should it be. You simply can’t control everything that happens to you in life. But you can control how you respond. There’s an old quote that says life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.