I’ve been making an effort to point this out lately because it seems to me that nearly every human I talk to these days is convinced that this is the “beginning of the end”. It's certainly the beginning of something but I'm highly skeptical that "these here days is the End Times."
There are a couple of significant differences right now as a point in history when compared to all other points in the past that contribute to my reasoning.
- We have access to more information now than ever before.
- We, as a society, are sick of most of the BS that's been going on under our noses.
Those two factors are the main reasons that things seem so bleak for many people from so many different angles.
I reiterate: It is not because this is the end of the world.
Even more important than the state of the world is the state of you.
The above factors are not a reason for you to bury your head in the sand and “wait it out” or “go down with the ship” or “blame the system” or any other iteration of that type of negative wishful thinking.
The above factors are opportunities for you to jump on. If properly taken advantage of those opportunities will result in you existing in a much different spot in life than you are currently. Perhaps you fall into one of the below categories but until recently have been unable to reach your desired end state:
- Maybe you’re ready to get in a physical shape that supports the life you want to lead and reflects the best version of yourself.
- Maybe you want to be healthier than the average human so that you don’t have to think about contagious diseases as threateningly as others do.
- Maybe you’re done being overwhelmed and feeling like you’re constantly playing catch-up at work or on your new business venture.
- Maybe you finally have "room to breath" and would like to use it for a constructive purpose rather than default to catastrophization (new word, I just made it up).
Don't get sucked into the Unwashed Masses
Those two factors I mentioned above really have a large impact on how we handle our lives as well. If you're unconscious to how you let them impact your life you'll end up as another member of the faceless crowd of unwashed and unaware.
Too much information and you’re stuck in decision paralysis...not sure what to believe or where to begin. Information is great but only if it aids in decision making and action taking. If it impedes progress it's just another distraction.
Sick of the BS that seems to have been going on in this country forever?...before you know it you’re obsessing over things you can have little to no impact on, completely neglecting your own journey, and having an overwhelmingly emotional reaction in most of your interactions with others. This is the vicious cycle that keeps us reeling and the 24 hour news media cycle churning.
If you have larger ambitions for your health, wealth, or general station in life and some of the above resonates with you we should talk. I have just the thing to hold you accountable and ensure that you follow through on your promises to yourself.
It starts with a call though. We’ll spend 30 minutes talking about what’s holding you back, I’ll tell you how I can help, and you’ll get to make the decision if you want to stay right where you are or if you’re ready to move on.
I hope we talk shortly.