Everything Connected 19 - Imagining Tomorrow

Everything Connected 19 - Imagining Tomorrow

PROLOG: GPT-3 is the new Siri or Alexa when it comes to R&D. With a backdrop of the Twilight Zone, a TV series from the early 1960s, this article sets the path for Numorpho Cybernetic System's progression to define the future. We asked OpenAI's GPT-3 what technologies define tomorrow, and used the 10 that it came up with to elaborate on what we plan to do for each one of them. A very interesting way to do copy writing!

There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the?Twilight Zone — Rod Serling

Albeit sometimes bizarre and tangential to beliefs, the Twilight Zone was a series of short stories that captured our imaginations, from the end of times to alien invasions to out of the ordinary situations that made us think of what the future portends: Where is this place and when is it? What kind of world where different (ugliness) is the norm and beauty the deviation from that norm??- these are lessons to be learned in the twilight zone.

Here are a few pertinent ones from some of the episodes:

To Serve Man: The recollections of one Michael Chambers with appropriate flashbacks and soliloquy.?Or more simply stated, the evolution of man, the cycle of going from dust to dessert the metamorphosis from being the ruler of a planet to an ingredient in someone’s soup.

The Eye of the Beholder: We know now that there must be a single purpose, a single norm, a single approach, a single entity of people, a single virtue, a single morality, a single frame of reference, a single philosophy of government. We must cut out all that is different like a cancerous filth! It is essential, in this society, that we not only have a norm but that we conform to that norm! Differences weaken us! Variations destroy us! this norm is what has ended nations and brought them to their knees! Conformity, we must worship in all interests! Conformity is the key to survival!

Imagining the future requires intense planning. In today’s world we need to link and intertwine heterogeneous systems, make them interoperable, aggregate data and provide pertinent information at the right time and the right place with flexibility and ease of use. The future of the internet of things is exciting, but it also brings with it a number of challenges.

Disrupting the norm is not going to be easy. To effect change, we need to think about the future in a different way. We need to be open to new possibilities and be willing to experiment. We also need to be willing to take risks. The future is about connecting people, things, and data in ways that we have never imagined before. It is about creating a world where everything is interconnected and where data is the lifeblood of the economy. It is a world of possibilities, and it is a world that we are just starting to explore.

We need to enable people to interact with the systems and data in a variety of ways. We need to create systems that are adaptive, resilient and efficient. And we need to do all of this while addressing the ever-growing demands of security, privacy, and sustainability. In the next few years, we will see a number of important advances in engineering, technology and communications. These advances will make it easier for people to use information to solve problems and make better decisions. Numorpho Cybernetic Systems (NUMO)'s intent is to be in the forefront of this development.

Here are some of the most important advances that we will see in the next few years, and how we plan to effect it. Each of the titles in the following were verbatim generated by OpenAI's GPT-3 DaVinci Engine that we utilized to elaborate on. Happenstance, they coincided with our vision and mission, albeit left the engineering, the real hard-tech domain out:

  1. We will see advances in artificial intelligence (AI). AI will help us to make better decisions and solve problems. As summarized in a series of articles on Explainable AI, Actionable Intelligence, and orchestrating intelligence using a multi-modal composer, we plan to define a new construct called Existential Intelligence based on the 5th order of Cybernetics to account for a pragmatic man-machine interaction.
  2. We will see advances in blockchain technology. Blockchain is a new technology that allows us to create secure, tamper-proof records of events. We plan to institute distributed ledger as the backbone for our interactions - within the company and with our interactions with our customers, suppliers and partners - so that duplication and corruption of records is prevented, master data and other essential contract features are immutable. We display this as the diagonal redline that traverses thru our Digital Twine based architecture and blueprint and plan to utilize Microsoft's Coco (Confidential Consortium) and Ethereum frameworks for our interactions.
  3. We will see advances in virtual reality (VR). VR will allow us to experience different activities, places, and things in a new way. As part of our foray into DARQ (Distributed Ledger, Actionable Intelligence, the Realities AR/VR/XR and Quantum Computing), we plan to elaborate on our theme of Inside-Outside utilizing Engineering Simulation to predefine prototypes and using virtual testing, immersive environment visualizations and other toolset provided by our partners: Hexagon's MSC Software, PTC and Nvidia.
  4. We will see advances in cyber security. Cyber security is the practice of protecting information systems from attacks. We are members @MxD, the DoD funded Design for Manufacturing organization whose prime focus is Industrial cyber security: One thing that makes cybersecurity so challenging for manufacturers is that companies are only as strong as the weakest link in their supply chains. As organizations digitize and become more interconnected, they must be constantly vigilant with not only their own security practices but also with those of their suppliers. We plan to adhere to MxD's guidelines on CMMC 2.0, the Defense Department’s simplified and streamlined?Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification framework. We will also extend these capabilities to protect our connected products and services in the mobility domain to include privacy, acceptance based personalization, tamper proofing profiles and behavior by utilizing encryption based technologies that will utilize crypto and quantum basis.
  5. We will see advances in big data. Big data is data that is large and complex. We also do not need to be deluged with data (volume) to draw our inferences since speed (velocity), vitality, veracity, value and validity (aka the five Vs) are essential for a good deduction and actionability. Our Cybernetic Framework comprising of different schema types will enable us to advance big data analysis utilizing our theme of Question Focused Datasets (QFDs) to quickly formulate answers and act upon situations real time.
  6. We will see advances in machine learning. Machine learning is a type of AI that enables computers to learn from data. Hypothesize, predict and test was how we experimented in the past. In a prior article on Orchestrating Intelligence we elaborated on Judea Pearl's thesis that correlation is not causality. AI field got mired in probabilistic associations. With the advent of Machine Learning, a lot of theoretical suppositions were supplanted by pattern recognition and other real life considerations. Just knowledge isn't good enough, the wisdom to act upon it with jurisprudence is more important.?
  7. We will see advances in internet of things (IoT). IoT is the idea of connecting devices all over the world to enable them to communicate with each other. Our reference architecture for Industrial automation, Digital Twine will enable us to blueprint brownfield, greenfield and bluesky initiatives alike to quickly understand the composition of IoT based Digital Threads and Digital Twins to formulate holistic end-end-end solutions to optimize and harmonize process interactions.
  8. We will see advances in augmented reality (AR). AR is a type of technology that allows us to add digital information to the real world. In an article on Composing the Metaverse, we envisage it to be composed of three layers: the physical layer, the digital layer, and the behavioral layer. All of our four tenets - Design philosophy for innovation Manthan, Digital Twine reference architecture, Tendril Technology for innovation and the Tau Codex Orchestrator for multi-modal composition of intelligence.
  9. We will see advances in biotechnology. Biotechnology is the use of technology to help us grow and study cells. In defining our framework for Computational Cybernetics, we had defined Schema on Evolve utilizing gene splicing and Genetic Programming (GP) as one of the basis to reduce complexity. Inspired by biological evolution and its fundamental mechanisms, GP software systems implement an algorithm that uses random mutation, crossover, a fitness function, and multiple generations of evolution to resolve a user-defined task. GP can be used to discover a functional relationship between features in data (symbolic regression), to group data into categories (classification), and to assist in the design of electrical circuits, antennae, and quantum algorithms. In future we plan to apply GP to software engineering through code synthesis, genetic improvement, automatic bug-fixing, and in developing game-playing strategies, and more…
  10. We will see advances in quantum computing. Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses quantum bits (qubits). Our Schema on Change in the framework for Computational Cybernetics will be the basis for our forays into Quantum Computing (QC). We will be reviewing and actively participating in the development of accelerator cohorts at the Chain Reaction Innovators, part of Argonne National Labs in the Chicagoland area to ascertain companies that we can collaborate with on this exciting future technology.

As we progress with our industrialization where mass production was prescribed to satiate our many needs, we are entering an era where customization would enable us to have our individuality, where we would want to be mindful of our environment and be careful with the limited resources we have. Custom Manufactory is our term for this future for mass customization and zero based supply chain that will reduce friction, bottlenecks and other logistic and fulfillment issues based on innovative hyper mobility solutions that we are embarking on.

Re-imagining the future in this new paradigm requires looking beyond artifact creation and invention, to engineering systems that are nimble, flexible and adaptable to the changing needs of the customer and the world. They should keep in step with the progression of technology, our new understanding of the universe we live in and our self-introspection of who we are. It should also account for all our inalienable rights, be mindful of our place in history, of our position amongst the living and the particles that constitute our being. Fittingly, we will end with this quote from an episode of the Twilight Zone:

This is the way nightmares begin or, perhaps, end.?Very simple, direct, unadorned.?Incredible, and yet so terribly real that even while they’re happening we live with them and digest them and assimilate them.?And if it’s 12:00 noon that’s what you preoccupy yourself with.?You don’t think about 12:00 noon on the next day or the day after that. But that’s what we should have been thinking about- tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.?We were preoccupied with the hands on a clock when we should have been checking off a calendar.

Founded in Chicago, IL in 2021, NUMO is a company whose vision is to utilize intelligent techniques to build smart, connected, and sustainable products by pushing the edges of engineering, technology, data management, AI, and cybernetics. We will be creating new Ideation techniques, enabling Industry 4.0 (for smart connectivity and robotic automation), and adding to it the Industry 5.0 (human-centric and sustainable products) framework for development, build and commercialization.

Next: Everything Connected Part 20 - Hyper Automation


For more information, please contact:

NI+IN UCHIL, Founder & CEO

Nitin is a Strategic Thinker, Product Engineer, Enterprise Architect, Technical Evangelist and Digital Transformer with 20+ years of experience in advanced technologies (aerospace & defense), product lifecycle management and knowledge-based engineering (automotive), business process redesign (manufacturing, telecom, compliance), ecommerce, analytics, data mining, front-end experience-driven design and digital architecture (retail, CPG, high-tech electronics, finance, insurance, food, media & entertainment and hospitality). More recently he has been creating a framework to enable the articulation of Big Data and Analytics using a themed, pragmatic and structured methodology.

Currently as founder, CEO and Technical Evangelist at Numorpho Cybernetic Systems, he is involved in theming the meld between the Physical and the Digital Realms and formulating the architecture for Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 and creating smart and connected products and services.

Nitin has founded several successful companies, in past lives worked as a Principal Director in a large Consulting Company and in the Aerospace and Automotive domains. He holds a Master’s Degree from the University of Oklahoma and a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Varanasi.?


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