Everything Clear and Polished
"Happy New Year"
I am not looking back this year because I don’t have the time. I am still navigating life’s brier patches, but these days, I am doing it in the now because—the Now—is all I know and experience.
I will enjoy the freedom to communicate without apologizing—removing my last mask and rapping on the real side—which means sharing my thoughts without fear of retribution.
It’s a new year, a new beginning to an old ending. Sometimes, words can be so noisy they become overwhelming. So, I am keeping it short and unique.
If you are like me, old and full of “been there and done that,” then you will understand—when I say— the shorter, the better. But make sure in your short dialogue that you cover all the basics of what you want me to see, hear, and understand.
Like many of you—who desire reciprocity—I seek to communicate without apologizing for my raw thoughts. My virtuosity is no longer stillborn; I resuscitated it by removing my final mask.
I will take it one day at a time in 2025 while I am alive because time is not on my side.
Happy New Year!
? ljm 01/01/2025
Art by: vecteezy.com